TMPL_7002_PST#.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'This structure will be post-processed into the actual ÔPST#Õ' Type: 'FLTR' (0x464C5452) 1: Label: 'Strings' Type: 'LCNT' (0x4C434E54) 2: Label: '' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 3: Label: 'Pascal string' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 4: Label: '' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_7001_CST#.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'This structure will be post-processed into the actual ÔCST#Õ' Type: 'FLTR' (0x464C5452) 1: Label: 'Strings' Type: 'LCNT' (0x4C434E54) 2: Label: '' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 3: Label: 'C string' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 4: Label: '' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_7000.txt TMPL_1303_flst.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Fonts' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 2: Label: 'Style' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 3: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) TMPL_1302_caps.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Pairs' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'Capability' Type: 'KTYP' (0x4B545950) 3: Label: 'Service=SERV' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Reliability=RELY' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'Order=ORDR' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'End of Message=EOM ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'Protocol=PROT' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Channels=CHAN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Listen=LSTN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Open=OPEN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Read=READ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Write=WRIT' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Break=BRK ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Low Level I/O=LLIO' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Timeout=TOUT' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Kill=KILL' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Abort=ABRT' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'SERV' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 19: Label: 'Type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 20: Label: 'Datagram=DGRM' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Stream=STRM' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Record=REC ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Record or Stream=RECS' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 25: Label: 'RELY' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 26: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 27: Label: 'Guaranteed' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 28: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 29: Label: 'ORDR' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 30: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 31: Label: 'Guaranteed' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 32: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 33: Label: 'EOM ' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 34: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 35: Label: 'Bit 0' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 36: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 37: Label: 'PROT' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 38: Label: 'Type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 39: Label: 'TCP=TCP ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'ADSP=ADSP' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'NSP=NSP ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'LAT=LAT ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'NSPg=NSPg' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Serial=SERD' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'Modem=MODM' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'MacPAD=PAD ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 48: Label: 'CHAN' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 49: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB23' (0x4C423233) 50: Label: 'Attention, clean' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 51: Label: 'Control, clean' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 52: Label: 'Data, clean' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 53: Label: 'Attention, no timeout' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 54: Label: 'Control, no timeout' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 55: Label: 'Data, no timeout' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 56: Label: 'Attention' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 57: Label: 'Control' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 58: Label: 'Data' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 59: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 60: Label: 'LSTN' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 61: Label: 'How' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 62: Label: 'Synchronous only=SYNC' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 63: Label: 'Asynchronous only=ASYN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: 'Both=BOTH' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 65: Label: 'Not supported=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 66: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 67: Label: 'OPEN' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 68: Label: 'How' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 69: Label: 'Synchronous only=SYNC' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 70: Label: 'Asynchronous only=ASYN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 71: Label: 'Both=BOTH' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: 'Not supported=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 73: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 74: Label: 'READ' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 75: Label: 'How' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 76: Label: 'Synchronous only=SYNC' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 77: Label: 'Asynchronous only=ASYN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 78: Label: 'Both=BOTH' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 79: Label: 'Not supported=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 80: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 81: Label: 'WRIT' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 82: Label: 'How' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 83: Label: 'Synchronous only=SYNC' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: 'Asynchronous only=ASYN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 85: Label: 'Both=BOTH' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 86: Label: 'Not supported=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 87: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 88: Label: 'BRK ' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 89: Label: 'How' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 90: Label: 'Synchronous only=SYNC' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 91: Label: 'Asynchronous only=ASYN' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 92: Label: 'Both=BOTH' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 93: Label: 'Not supported=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 94: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 95: Label: 'LLIO' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 96: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 97: Label: 'Supported' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 98: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 99: Label: 'TOUT' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 100: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 101: Label: 'Supported' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 102: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 103: Label: 'KILL' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 104: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 105: Label: 'Supported' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 106: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 107: Label: 'ABRT' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 108: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB31' (0x4C423331) 109: Label: 'Supported' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 110: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 111: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_1301_cbnd.txt Types: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Type: 4-byte integer (char) Mappings: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Local ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Actual resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1300.txt TMPL_1201_cmdo.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Commando version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Dialogs' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 3: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 4: Label: 'Height of dialog' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 5: Label: 'Help window text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 6: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 7: Label: 'Items' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 8: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 9: Label: 'Option type' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 10: Label: 'Not dependent=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Or=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'And=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 14: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 15: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 16: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 17: Label: 'OR items' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 18: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 19: Label: 'Item number' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 20: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 21: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 22: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 23: Label: 'AND items' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 24: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 25: Label: 'Item number' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 26: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 27: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 28: Label: 'Item type' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 29: Label: 'FileÕs ID=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'Multiple files=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 31: Label: 'Check option=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'Radio buttons=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Regular entry=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: 'Scrollable option list=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 35: Label: 'Box or line=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'Text box=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 37: Label: 'Popup menu=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Nested dialog=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'Text title=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Redirection=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Edit popup=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Tristate buttons=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'List=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Picture or icon=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'Dummy=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'Do It button=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'Version dialog=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 49: Label: 'File kind' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 50: Label: 'Input file=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'Input file or directory=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Input or output file=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 53: Label: 'Input or output or directory=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 54: Label: 'Output file=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'Output file or directory=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Directory only=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'File type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 58: Label: 'Optional file=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Required file=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 61: Label: 'Title bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 62: Label: 'Display bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 63: Label: 'File title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 64: Label: 'Default file name' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 65: Label: 'Option to return before file' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 66: Label: 'Extension (if dependent on another Files item)' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 67: Label: 'Popup help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 68: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'BB07' (0x42423037) 69: Label: 'DonÕt dim this item' Type: 'BB01' (0x42423031) 70: Label: 'Popup item #1' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 71: Label: 'Popup item #2' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 72: Label: 'Popup item #3' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 73: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 74: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 75: Label: 'Button bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 76: Label: 'Button title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 77: Label: 'Option to return before file' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 78: Label: 'ButtonÕs help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 79: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 80: Label: 'Additional file information' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 81: Label: 'No more file info=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 82: Label: 'Additional file info=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 84: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 85: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 86: Label: 'Option when new (or output) file chosen' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 87: Label: 'Preferred file extension' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 88: Label: 'No radio buttons=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 89: Label: 'Filter types=:' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 90: Label: 'Title of Only Files button' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 91: Label: 'Title of All Files button' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 92: Label: 'Mac file types' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 93: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 94: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 95: Label: 'Desired input file type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 96: Label: 'All types=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 97: Label: 'Text file=TEXT' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 98: Label: 'Object file=OBJ ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 99: Label: 'Application=APPL' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 100: Label: 'Desk Accessory=DFIL' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 101: Label: 'MPW Tool=MPST' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 102: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 103: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 104: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 105: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 106: Label: 'Button title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 107: Label: 'ButtonÕs help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 108: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 109: Label: 'Button bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 110: Label: 'Message' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 111: Label: 'Option returned before each file' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 112: Label: 'Multiple files item' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 113: Label: 'Multiple input files=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 114: Label: 'Multiple directories=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 115: Label: 'Multiple input files and directories=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 116: Label: 'Multiple output files=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 117: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 118: Label: 'File types' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 119: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 120: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 121: Label: 'Mac file type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 122: Label: 'All types=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 123: Label: 'Text file=TEXT' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 124: Label: 'Object file=OBJ ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 125: Label: 'Application=APPL' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 126: Label: 'Desk Accessory=DFIL' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 127: Label: 'MPW Tool=MPST' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 128: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 129: Label: 'Preferred file extension' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 130: Label: 'No radio buttons=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 131: Label: 'Filter types=:' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 132: Label: 'Title of Only Files button' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 133: Label: 'Title of All Files button' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 134: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 135: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 136: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 137: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 138: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 139: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 140: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 141: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 142: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 143: Label: 'Button set' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 144: Label: 'Not set=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 145: Label: 'Set=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 146: Label: 'Bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 147: Label: 'Title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 148: Label: 'Option returned' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 149: Label: 'Button help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 150: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 151: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 152: Label: 'Radio buttons' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 153: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 154: Label: 'Bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 155: Label: 'Title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 156: Label: 'Option returned' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 157: Label: 'Button set' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 158: Label: 'Not set=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 159: Label: 'Set=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 160: Label: 'Radio button help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 161: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 162: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 163: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 164: Label: '4' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 165: Label: 'Title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 166: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 167: Label: 'Title bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 168: Label: 'Input box bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 169: Label: 'Default value' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 170: Label: 'Type of case' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 171: Label: 'Ignore case=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 172: Label: 'Keep case=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 173: Label: 'Option returned' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 174: Label: 'Entry help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 175: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 176: Label: '5' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 177: Label: 'Title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 178: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 179: Label: 'Title bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 180: Label: 'Input list bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 181: Label: 'Entries' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 182: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 183: Label: 'Default values' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 184: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 185: Label: 'Option returned (each value preceded by this option)' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 186: Label: 'Entry help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 187: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 188: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 189: Label: 'Color' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 190: Label: 'Black=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 191: Label: 'Gray=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 192: Label: 'Bounds of box or line' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 193: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 194: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 195: Label: 'Color' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 196: Label: 'Black=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 197: Label: 'Gray=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 198: Label: 'Bounds of box or line' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 199: Label: 'Text to display' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 200: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 201: Label: '8' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 202: Label: 'Type of popup' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 203: Label: 'Window=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 204: Label: 'Alias=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 205: Label: 'Font=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 206: Label: 'Set=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 207: Label: 'Bounds of popup line' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 208: Label: 'Popup title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 209: Label: 'Option to return' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 210: Label: 'Help text for text edit part' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 211: Label: 'Help text for popup part' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 212: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 213: Label: '9' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 214: Label: 'Which dialog (must be greater than this one)' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 215: Label: 'Button bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 216: Label: 'Button title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 217: Label: 'ButtonÕs help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 218: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 219: Label: '10' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 220: Label: 'Style of text title' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 221: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 222: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 223: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 224: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 225: Label: 'Bounds of title' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 226: Label: 'Font number to use' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 227: Label: 'System font=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 228: Label: 'Font size to use' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 229: Label: 'System font size=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 230: Label: 'Text to display' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 231: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 232: Label: '11' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 233: Label: 'Type of redirection' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 234: Label: 'Standard output=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 235: Label: 'Diagnostic output=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 236: Label: 'Standard input=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 237: Label: 'Upper left point' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 238: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 239: Label: '12' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 240: Label: 'Type of editable popup' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 241: Label: 'Menu title=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 242: Label: 'Menu item=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 243: Label: 'Font size=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 244: Label: 'Alias=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 245: Label: 'Set=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 246: Label: 'Title bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 247: Label: 'Bounds of text edit area' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 248: Label: 'Popup title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 249: Label: 'Option to return' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 250: Label: 'Help text for text edit part' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 251: Label: 'Help text for popup part' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 252: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 253: Label: '13' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 254: Label: 'Buttons' Type: 'BCNT' (0x42434E54) 255: Label: 'Option returned' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 256: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 257: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 258: Label: 'Button bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 259: Label: 'Title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 260: Label: 'Text for Clear state' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 261: Label: 'Text for DonÕt Touch state' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 262: Label: 'Text for Set state' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 263: Label: 'Button help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 264: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 265: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 266: Label: '14' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 267: Label: 'What to display in list' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 268: Label: 'Volumes=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 269: Label: 'Shell variables=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 270: Label: 'Windows=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 271: Label: 'Aliases=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 272: Label: 'Option returned before each file' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 273: Label: 'List title' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 274: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 275: Label: 'Bounds of title' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 276: Label: 'Bounds of list selection box' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 277: Label: 'Selection box help text' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 278: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 279: Label: '15' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 280: Label: 'Type of graphic' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 281: Label: 'ÔICONÕ=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 282: Label: 'ÔPICTÕ=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 283: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 284: Label: 'Display bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 285: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 286: Label: '16' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 287: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 288: Label: '17' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 289: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 290: Label: '18' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 291: Label: 'Version info' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 292: Label: 'Use this string=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 293: Label: 'In resource=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 294: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 295: Label: 'Tool version' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 296: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 297: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 298: Label: 'Resource type of Pascal version string' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 299: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 300: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 301: Label: 'Version text for help window' Type: 'CSTR' (0x43535452) 302: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 303: Label: 'Dialog (ÔDLOGÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 304: Label: 'No dialog=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 305: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 306: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 307: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 308: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 309: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 310: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) TMPL_1200.txt TMPL_1104_mxbc.txt Background: color (48-bit RGB) Foreground: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_1103_mxbi.txt Number of traps recorded: 2-byte integer (decimal) Number of PC lines shown: 2-byte integer (decimal) Size of history buffer: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1102_mxwt.txt Templates: list (2-byte one-based item count) Template name: pstring (1-byte length) Fields: list (2-byte one-based item count) Field name: pstring (1-byte length) Field type: pstring (1-byte length) Number of fields of this type: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1101_mxbm.txt Macros: list (2-byte one-based item count) Macro name: pstring (1-byte length) Expands to: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_1100.txt TMPL_1009_PtGd.txt Rows: 2-byte integer (decimal) Columns: 2-byte integer (decimal) Box Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Box Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vertical Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Horizontal Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Command Prefix: 2-byte integer (decimal) Pattern List ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Patterns: list (2-byte one-based item count) Pattern Index: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1008_ChGd.txt Rows: 2-byte integer (decimal) Columns: 2-byte integer (decimal) Box Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Box Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vertical Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Horizontal Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Command Prefix: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font Size: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font Name: pstring (1-byte length) Grid Characters: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_1007_PctP.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vert Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Auto Refresh: boolean Print Clip: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = clipAPERTURE, 1 = clipFRAME, 2 = clipPAGE) Bounds: rectangle Horizontal Scale: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Scale: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Position: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Position: 2-byte integer (decimal) PICT Res ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Scaled: boolean TMPL_1006_Bord.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vert Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Auto Refresh: boolean Print Clip: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = clipAPERTURE, 1 = clipFRAME, 2 = clipPAGE) Thickness: 2-byte integer (decimal) Drop Shadow Length: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1005_StTx.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vert Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Auto Refresh: boolean Print Clip: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = clipAPERTURE, 1 = clipFRAME, 2 = clipPAGE) Bounds: rectangle Horizontal Scale: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Scale: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Position: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Position: 2-byte integer (decimal) Line Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Whole Lines: boolean TMPL_1004_Pano.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vert Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Auto Refresh: boolean Print Clip: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = clipAPERTURE, 1 = clipFRAME, 2 = clipPAGE) Bounds: rectangle Horizontal Scale: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Scale: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Position: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Position: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1003_ScPn.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = sizFIXEDLEFT, 1 = sizFIXEDRIGHT, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Vert Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = sizFIXEDTOP, 3 = sizFIXEDBOTTOM, 4 = sizFIXEDSTICKY, 5 = sizELASTIC) Auto Refresh: boolean Print Clip: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = clipAPERTURE, 1 = clipFRAME, 2 = clipPAGE) Horiz Step: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Step: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Overlap: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vert Overlap: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horiz Scroll Bar: boolean Vert Scroll Bar: boolean Size Box: boolean TMPL_1002_Pane.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Vertical Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) Horizontal Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Fixed length, anchored on left, 1 = Fixed length, anchored on right, 4 = Fixed length, sticks to enclosure coords, 5 = Variable length, just inside enclosure) Vertical Sizing: 2-byte integer (decimal) (2 = Fixed length, anchored on top, 3 = Fixed length, anchored on bottom, 4 = Fixed length, sticks to enclosure coords, 5 = Variable length, just inside enclosure) Auto Refresh: boolean Print Clip: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = clipAPERTURE, 1 = clipFRAME, 2 = clipPAGE) TMPL_1001_View.txt Visible: boolean Active: boolean Wants Clicks: boolean TMPL_1000.txt TMPL_906_mntb.txt list (until end of resource) Command number: 2-byte integer (decimal) Menu ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Menu item: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_905_view.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Views' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'Signature of ancestral view' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 3: Label: 'Root= ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Identifier for this view' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 5: Label: 'No ID= ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Vertical position within parent view' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 7: Label: 'Horizontal position within parent view' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 8: Label: 'View height' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 9: Label: 'View width' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 10: Label: 'Vertical view handling' Type: 'WB03' (0x57423033) 11: Label: 'Same height as superview=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Height is relative to superview=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Height should be one page=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Fill an exact number of pages=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Application-specific height=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Fixed height (no special handling)=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Horizontal view handling' Type: 'WB03' (0x57423033) 18: Label: 'Same width as superview=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Width is relative to superview=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Width should be one page=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Fill an exact number of pages=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Application-specific width=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Fixed width (no special handling)=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Show view' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 25: Label: 'Enable view' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 26: Label: 'Unused' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 27: Label: 'View type' Type: 'KTYP' (0x4B545950) 28: Label: 'Include a view=incl' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'Include view at=inc@' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'View=view' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 31: Label: 'Default view=dflt' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'Window=wind' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Scroller=scrl' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: 'Dialog view=dlog' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 35: Label: 'Control=cntl' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'Button=butn' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 37: Label: 'Check box=chkb' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Radio button=radb' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'Scroll bar=sbar' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Cluster=clus' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Icon=icon' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Pattern=patn' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'Picture=pict' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Popup Menu=popp' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'Static text=stat' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'Edit text=edit' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'Number text=nmbr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: 'TextEdit=tevw' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 49: Label: 'Grid=grid' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: 'Text grid=txtg' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'Text list=lstg' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Other=othr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 53: Label: 'incl' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 54: Label: 'Resource ID of ÔviewÕ to include' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 55: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 56: Label: 'inc@' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 57: Label: 'Resource ID of ÔviewÕ to include at' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 58: Label: 'Y offset for sub-views' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 59: Label: 'X offset for sub-views' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 60: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 61: Label: 'view' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 62: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 63: Label: 'Usual=TView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 65: Label: 'dflt' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 66: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 67: Label: 'Usual=TDefaultView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 68: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 69: Label: 'wind' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 70: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 71: Label: 'Usual=TWindow' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: 'Resource ID of ÔWDEFÕ' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 73: Label: 'Standard system=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 74: Label: 'Standard accessory=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 75: Label: 'Variation code' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 76: Label: 'Document/accessory=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 77: Label: 'Modal dialog=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 78: Label: 'Plain frame=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 79: Label: 'Shadow frame=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 80: Label: 'No grow document=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 81: Label: 'Moveable modal=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 82: Label: 'Zoomable document=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: 'No grow, zoomable document=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: 'Window has GoAway box' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 85: Label: 'Window is resizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 86: Label: 'Window is modal' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 87: Label: 'Window accepts first click' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 88: Label: 'Free window on closing' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 89: Label: 'Dispose window on freeing' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 90: Label: 'Closes document' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 91: Label: 'Open with document' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 92: Label: 'Adapt to screen' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 93: Label: 'Stagger' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 94: Label: 'Force onto screen' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 95: Label: 'Centering' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 96: Label: 'Leave as is=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 97: Label: 'Horizontally=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 98: Label: 'Vertically=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 99: Label: 'Both=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 100: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB03' (0x57423033) 101: Label: 'ID of target view' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 102: Label: 'No ID= ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 103: Label: 'Window title' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 104: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 105: Label: 'scrl' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 106: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 107: Label: 'Usual=TScroller' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 108: Label: 'Has vertical scroll bar' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 109: Label: 'No=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 110: Label: 'Yes=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 111: Label: 'Has horizontal scroll bar' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 112: Label: 'No=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 113: Label: 'Yes=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 114: Label: 'Vertical maximum value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 115: Label: 'Horizontal maximum value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 116: Label: 'Vertical scroll units' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 117: Label: 'Horizontal scroll units' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 118: Label: 'Vertical constraint' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 119: Label: 'No=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 120: Label: 'Yes=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 121: Label: 'Horizontal constraint' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 122: Label: 'No=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 123: Label: 'Yes=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 124: Label: 'Scroll bar offsets' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 125: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 126: Label: 'dlog' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 127: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 128: Label: 'Usual=TDialogView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 129: Label: 'ID of default item' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 130: Label: 'No default= ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 131: Label: 'ID of cancel item' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 132: Label: 'No cancel= ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 133: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 134: Label: 'cntl' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 135: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 136: Label: 'Usual=TControl' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 137: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 138: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 139: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 140: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 141: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 142: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 143: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 144: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 145: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 146: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 147: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 148: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 149: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 150: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 151: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 152: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 153: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 154: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 155: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 156: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 157: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 158: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 159: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 160: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 161: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 162: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 163: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 164: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 165: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 166: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 167: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 168: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 169: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 170: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 171: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 172: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 173: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 174: Label: 'butn' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 175: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 176: Label: 'Usual=TButton' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 177: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 178: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 179: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 180: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 181: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 182: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 183: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 184: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 185: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 186: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 187: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 188: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 189: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 190: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 191: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 192: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 193: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 194: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 195: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 196: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 197: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 198: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 199: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 200: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 201: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 202: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 203: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 204: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 205: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 206: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 207: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 208: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 209: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 210: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 211: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 212: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 213: Label: 'TButtonData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 214: Label: 'Button title' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 215: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 216: Label: 'chkb' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 217: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 218: Label: 'Usual=TCheckBox' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 219: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 220: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 221: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 222: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 223: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 224: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 225: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 226: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 227: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 228: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 229: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 230: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 231: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 232: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 233: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 234: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 235: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 236: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 237: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 238: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 239: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 240: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 241: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 242: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 243: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 244: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 245: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 246: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 247: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 248: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 249: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 250: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 251: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 252: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 253: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 254: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 255: Label: 'TCheckboxData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 256: Label: 'Initial state' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 257: Label: 'Off=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 258: Label: 'On=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 259: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 260: Label: 'Check box label' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 261: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 262: Label: 'radb' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 263: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 264: Label: 'Usual=TRadioButton' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 265: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 266: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 267: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 268: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 269: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 270: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 271: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 272: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 273: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 274: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 275: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 276: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 277: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 278: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 279: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 280: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 281: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 282: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 283: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 284: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 285: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 286: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 287: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 288: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 289: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 290: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 291: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 292: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 293: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 294: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 295: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 296: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 297: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 298: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 299: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 300: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 301: Label: 'TRadioData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 302: Label: 'Initial state' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 303: Label: 'Off=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 304: Label: 'On=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 305: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 306: Label: 'Radio button label' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 307: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 308: Label: 'sbar' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 309: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 310: Label: 'Usual=TScrollBar' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 311: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 312: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 313: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 314: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 315: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 316: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 317: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 318: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 319: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 320: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 321: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 322: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 323: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 324: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 325: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 326: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 327: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 328: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 329: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 330: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 331: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 332: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 333: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 334: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 335: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 336: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 337: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 338: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 339: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 340: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 341: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 342: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 343: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 344: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 345: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 346: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 347: Label: 'TScrollBarData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 348: Label: 'Initial value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 349: Label: 'Minimum value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 350: Label: 'Maximum value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 351: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 352: Label: 'clus' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 353: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 354: Label: 'Usual=TCluster' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 355: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 356: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 357: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 358: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 359: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 360: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 361: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 362: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 363: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 364: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 365: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 366: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 367: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 368: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 369: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 370: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 371: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 372: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 373: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 374: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 375: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 376: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 377: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 378: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 379: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 380: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 381: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 382: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 383: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 384: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 385: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 386: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 387: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 388: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 389: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 390: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 391: Label: 'TClusterData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 392: Label: 'Cluster label' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 393: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 394: Label: 'icon' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 395: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 396: Label: 'Usual=TIcon' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 397: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 398: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 399: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 400: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 401: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 402: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 403: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 404: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 405: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 406: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 407: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 408: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 409: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 410: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 411: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 412: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 413: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 414: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 415: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 416: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 417: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 418: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 419: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 420: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 421: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 422: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 423: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 424: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 425: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 426: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 427: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 428: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 429: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 430: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 431: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 432: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 433: Label: 'Color preference' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 434: Label: 'Look for color first=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 435: Label: 'Look for B&W first=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 436: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 437: Label: 'TIconData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 438: Label: 'Resource ID of ÔcicnÕ or ÔICONÕ' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 439: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 440: Label: 'patn' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 441: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 442: Label: 'Usual=TPattern' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 443: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 444: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 445: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 446: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 447: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 448: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 449: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 450: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 451: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 452: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 453: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 454: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 455: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 456: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 457: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 458: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 459: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 460: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 461: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 462: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 463: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 464: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 465: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 466: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 467: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 468: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 469: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 470: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 471: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 472: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 473: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 474: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 475: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 476: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 477: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 478: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 479: Label: 'TPatternData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 480: Label: 'Color preference' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 481: Label: 'Look for color first=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 482: Label: 'Look for B&W first=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 483: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 484: Label: 'Resource ID of ÔppatÕ or ÔPAT Õ' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 485: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 486: Label: 'pict' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 487: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 488: Label: 'Usual=TPicture' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 489: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 490: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 491: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 492: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 493: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 494: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 495: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 496: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 497: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 498: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 499: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 500: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 501: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 502: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 503: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 504: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 505: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 506: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 507: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 508: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 509: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 510: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 511: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 512: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 513: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 514: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 515: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 516: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 517: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 518: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 519: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 520: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 521: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 522: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 523: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 524: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 525: Label: 'TPictureData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 526: Label: 'Picture (ÔPICTÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 527: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 528: Label: 'popp' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 529: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 530: Label: 'Usual=TPopup' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 531: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 532: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 533: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 534: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 535: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 536: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 537: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 538: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 539: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 540: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 541: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 542: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 543: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 544: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 545: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 546: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 547: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 548: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 549: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 550: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 551: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 552: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 553: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 554: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 555: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 556: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 557: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 558: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 559: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 560: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 561: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 562: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 563: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 564: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 565: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 566: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 567: Label: 'TPopupData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 568: Label: 'Resource ID of ÔMENUÕ' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 569: Label: 'Current item' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 570: Label: 'Left offset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 571: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 572: Label: 'stat' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 573: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 574: Label: 'Usual=TStaticText' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 575: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 576: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 577: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 578: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 579: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 580: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 581: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 582: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 583: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 584: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 585: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 586: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 587: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 588: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 589: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 590: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 591: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 592: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 593: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 594: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 595: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 596: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 597: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 598: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 599: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 600: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 601: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 602: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 603: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 604: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 605: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 606: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 607: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 608: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 609: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 610: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 611: Label: 'TStaticTextData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 612: Label: 'Justification' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 613: Label: 'Let system do it (left)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 614: Label: 'Force left=-2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 615: Label: 'Right justify=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 616: Label: 'Center=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 617: Label: 'Initial text value' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 618: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 619: Label: 'edit' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 620: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 621: Label: 'Usual=TEditText' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 622: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 623: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 624: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 625: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 626: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 627: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 628: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 629: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 630: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 631: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 632: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 633: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 634: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 635: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 636: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 637: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 638: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 639: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 640: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 641: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 642: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 643: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 644: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 645: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 646: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 647: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 648: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 649: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 650: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 651: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 652: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 653: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 654: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 655: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 656: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 657: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 658: Label: 'TStaticTextData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 659: Label: 'Justification' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 660: Label: 'Let system do it (left)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 661: Label: 'Force left=-2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 662: Label: 'Right justify=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 663: Label: 'Center=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 664: Label: 'Initial text value' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 665: Label: 'TEditTextData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 666: Label: 'Maximum number of characters' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 667: Label: 'Unlimited=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 668: Label: 'Accept Down Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 669: Label: 'Accept Up Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 670: Label: 'Accept Right Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 671: Label: 'Accept Left Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 672: Label: 'Accept Escape' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 673: Label: 'Accept ^Z' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 674: Label: '^Y' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 675: Label: '^X' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 676: Label: '^W' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 677: Label: '^V' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 678: Label: '^U' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 679: Label: '^T' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 680: Label: '^S' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 681: Label: '^R' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 682: Label: '^Q' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 683: Label: '^P' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 684: Label: '^O' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 685: Label: '^N' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 686: Label: 'Accept CarriageReturn' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 687: Label: '^L' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 688: Label: '^K' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 689: Label: '^J' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 690: Label: '^I' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 691: Label: 'Accept BackSpace' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 692: Label: '^G' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 693: Label: '^F' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 694: Label: '^E' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 695: Label: '^D' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 696: Label: 'Accept Enter' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 697: Label: '^B' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 698: Label: '^A' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 699: Label: 'Accept Null' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 700: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 701: Label: 'nmbr' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 702: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 703: Label: 'Usual=TNumberText' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 704: Label: 'TControlData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 705: Label: 'Line adornment' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 706: Label: 'No lines=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 707: Label: 'Frame=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 708: Label: 'Along top=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 709: Label: 'Along left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 710: Label: 'Along bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 711: Label: 'ALong right=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 712: Label: 'Pattern fill' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 713: Label: 'Use oval' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 714: Label: 'Use RoundRect' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 715: Label: 'Use Shadow' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 716: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 717: Label: 'Pen size' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 718: Label: 'Control is sizeable' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 719: Label: 'Control is dimmed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 720: Label: 'Control is hilited' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 721: Label: 'Control dismisses' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 722: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 723: Label: 'Control inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 724: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 725: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 726: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 727: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 728: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 729: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 730: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 731: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 732: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 733: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 734: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 735: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 736: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 737: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 738: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 739: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 740: Label: 'TStaticTextData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 741: Label: 'Justification' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 742: Label: 'Let system do it (left)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 743: Label: 'Force left=-2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 744: Label: 'Right justify=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 745: Label: 'Center=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 746: Label: 'Initial text value' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 747: Label: 'TEditTextData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 748: Label: 'Maximum number of characters' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 749: Label: 'Unlimited=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 750: Label: 'Accept Down Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 751: Label: 'Accept Up Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 752: Label: 'Accept Right Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 753: Label: 'Accept Left Arrow' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 754: Label: 'Accept Escape' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 755: Label: 'Accept ^Z' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 756: Label: '^Y' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 757: Label: '^X' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 758: Label: '^W' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 759: Label: '^V' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 760: Label: '^U' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 761: Label: '^T' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 762: Label: '^S' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 763: Label: '^R' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 764: Label: '^Q' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 765: Label: '^P' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 766: Label: '^O' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 767: Label: '^N' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 768: Label: 'Accept CarriageReturn' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 769: Label: '^L' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 770: Label: '^K' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 771: Label: '^J' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 772: Label: '^I' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 773: Label: 'Accept BackSpace' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 774: Label: '^G' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 775: Label: '^F' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 776: Label: '^E' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 777: Label: '^D' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 778: Label: 'Accept Enter' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 779: Label: '^B' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 780: Label: '^A' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 781: Label: 'Accept Null' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 782: Label: 'TNumberTextData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 783: Label: 'Initial numeric value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 784: Label: 'Minimum value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 785: Label: 'Maximum value' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 786: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 787: Label: 'tevw' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 788: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 789: Label: 'Usual=TTEView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 790: Label: 'TTEViewData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 791: Label: 'Use styled TextEdit' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 792: Label: 'Use word wrap' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 793: Label: 'Accept changes' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 794: Label: 'Free text' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 795: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 796: Label: 'Command' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 797: Label: 'Typing=120' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 798: Label: 'Maximum number of characters' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 799: Label: 'Unlimited=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 800: Label: 'Inset' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 801: Label: 'Justification' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 802: Label: 'Let system do it (left)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 803: Label: 'Force left=-2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 804: Label: 'Right justify=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 805: Label: 'Center=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 806: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 807: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 808: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 809: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 810: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 811: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 812: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 813: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 814: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 815: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 816: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 817: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 818: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 819: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 820: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 821: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 822: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 823: Label: 'grid' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 824: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 825: Label: 'Usual=TGridView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 826: Label: 'TGridViewData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 827: Label: 'Number of rows' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 828: Label: 'Number of columns' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 829: Label: 'Row height (in pixels)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 830: Label: 'Column width (in pixels)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 831: Label: 'Row inset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 832: Label: 'Column inset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 833: Label: 'Adorn rows' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 834: Label: 'Adorn columns' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 835: Label: 'Single selection' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 836: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB13' (0x57423133) 837: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 838: Label: 'txtg' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 839: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 840: Label: 'Usual=TTextGridView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 841: Label: 'TGridViewData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 842: Label: 'Number of rows' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 843: Label: 'Number of columns' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 844: Label: 'Row height (in pixels)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 845: Label: 'Column width (in pixels)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 846: Label: 'Row inset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 847: Label: 'Column inset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 848: Label: 'Adorn rows' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 849: Label: 'Adorn columns' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 850: Label: 'Single selection' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 851: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB13' (0x57423133) 852: Label: 'TTextGridViewData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 853: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 854: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 855: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 856: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 857: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 858: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 859: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 860: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 861: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 862: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 863: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 864: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 865: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 866: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 867: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 868: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 869: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 870: Label: 'lstg' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 871: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 872: Label: 'Usual=TTextListView' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 873: Label: 'TGridViewData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 874: Label: 'Number of rows' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 875: Label: 'Number of columns' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 876: Label: 'Row height (in pixels)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 877: Label: 'Column width (in pixels)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 878: Label: 'Row inset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 879: Label: 'Column inset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 880: Label: 'Adorn rows' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 881: Label: 'Adorn columns' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 882: Label: 'Single selection' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 883: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB13' (0x57423133) 884: Label: 'TTextGridViewData' Type: 'DVDR' (0x44564452) 885: Label: 'Font style' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 886: Label: 'Plain=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 887: Label: 'Bold=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 888: Label: 'Italic=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 889: Label: 'Underline=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 890: Label: 'Outline=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 891: Label: 'Shadow=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 892: Label: 'Condensed=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 893: Label: 'Extended=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 894: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 895: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 896: Label: 'SystemFont=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 897: Label: 'Small applFont=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 898: Label: 'Large applFont=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 899: Label: 'Font color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 900: Label: 'Font name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 901: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 902: Label: 'othr' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 903: Label: 'Class name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 904: Label: 'Offset to end of unknown view data' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 905: Label: 'Signature of unknown view' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 906: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 907: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 908: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_904_dbug.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Debug window bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 1: Label: 'Resource ID of Debug Window font' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 2: Label: 'Application=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: 'Debug Window font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 4: Label: 'Normal=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'Number of lines' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 6: Label: 'Normal=120' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'Width of lines in characters' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 8: Label: 'Normal=100' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Open the Debug Window initially' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB15' (0x57423135) 11: Label: 'Debug Window title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) TMPL_903_mem!.txt Bytes to add to code reserve size: 4-byte integer (decimal) Bytes to add to low space reserve size: 4-byte integer (decimal) Stack size (in bytes): 4-byte integer (decimal) (8192 = Same as Mac Plus) TMPL_902_errs.txt •••••: list (until end of resource) Minimum error number: 2-byte integer (decimal) (-32768 = Lowest, 0 = Index field below is a ‘STR#’ ID) Maximum error number: 2-byte integer (decimal) (32767 = Highest) Index of string in ‘STR#’ (or STR#’ ID): 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_901_cmnu.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'MenuID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Width' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 2: Label: 'Height' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 3: Label: 'ÔMDEFÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 4: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 5: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 6: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 7: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 8: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 9: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 10: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 11: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 12: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 13: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 14: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 15: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 16: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 17: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 18: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 19: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 20: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 21: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 22: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 23: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 24: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 25: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 26: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 27: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 28: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 29: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 30: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 31: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 32: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 33: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 34: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 35: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 36: Label: 'Entire menu enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 37: Label: 'Title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 38: Label: 'Apple=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTZ' (0x4C53545A) 40: Label: 'Menu item title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 41: Label: 'Divider=-' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Icon ID - 256' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 43: Label: 'None=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Key equivalent' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 45: Label: 'Mark character' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 46: Label: 'Item style' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 47: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 48: Label: 'Command number' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 49: Label: 'noCommand=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: 'About Application=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'New=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Open=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 53: Label: 'Save=30' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 54: Label: 'Close=31' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'Save As=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Save Copy=33' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'Revert=34' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 58: Label: 'Show Clipboard=35' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Quit=36' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: 'Undo=101' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 61: Label: 'Cut=103' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'Copy=104' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 63: Label: 'Paste=105' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: 'Clear=106' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 65: Label: 'Select All=110' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 66: Label: 'Typing=120' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 67: Label: 'Style Change=130' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 68: Label: 'Page Setup=176' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 69: Label: 'Print One=177' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 70: Label: 'Print=178' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 71: Label: 'Change Printer Style=192' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: 'Show Borders=199' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 73: Label: 'Show Breaks=201' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 74: Label: 'Identify Software=900' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 75: Label: 'Experimenting=901' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 76: Label: 'Report Menu Choices=902' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 77: Label: 'Intense Debugging=904' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 78: Label: 'Trace Setup Menus=905' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 79: Label: 'Trace Idle=906' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 80: Label: 'Debug Printing=912' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 81: Label: 'Debug Window=913' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 82: Label: 'Report Event=914' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: 'Do First Click=915' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: 'VarClipPicSize=916' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 85: Label: 'Refresh Front Window=917' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 86: Label: 'New Inspector Window=918' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 87: Label: 'Modal Toggle=919' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 88: Label: 'Enter MacApp Debugger=920' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 89: Label: 'Set System Justification=921' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 90: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_900.txt TMPL_706_hwin.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Balloon help version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB27' (0x4C423237) 3: Label: 'For ÔhwinÕs, match string anywhere in title' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 4: Label: 'Create window, restore bits, and cause update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 5: Label: 'DonÕt create window, restore bits, no update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 6: Label: 'Pretend window port origin is set to (0,0)' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 7: Label: 'Treat resource IDs as sub-IDs for owned resources of a D/A, etc.' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 8: Label: 'Windows' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 9: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 10: Label: 'Help template resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 11: Label: 'Help template resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 12: Label: 'hdlg=hdlg' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'hrct=hrct' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Window title comparison string' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 15: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_705_hrct.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Balloon help version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB27' (0x4C423237) 3: Label: 'For ÔhwinÕs, match string anywhere in title' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 4: Label: 'Create window, restore bits, and cause update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 5: Label: 'DonÕt create window, restore bits, no update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 6: Label: 'Pretend window port origin is set to (0,0)' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 7: Label: 'Treat resource IDs as sub-IDs for owned resources of a D/A, etc.' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 8: Label: 'Balloon ÔWDEFÕ Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 9: Label: 'Standard balloons=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Balloon variation code (tip position)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 11: Label: 'Along left side at top=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Along left side at bottom=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Along bottom at left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Along bottom at right=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Along right side at bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Along right side at top=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Along top on right=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Along top at left=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Dialog items' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 20: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 21: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 22: Label: 'Menu title message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 23: Label: 'Use this string=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resource=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resource=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'TrackControl string=2049' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'TrackControl ÔPICTÕ resource=2050' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 31: Label: 'TrackControl ÔSTR#Õ resource=2051' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'TrackControl styled text resources=2054' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'TrackControl ÔSTR Õ resource=2055' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 35: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 36: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 37: Label: 'Enabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 38: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 39: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 40: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 41: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 42: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 43: Label: 'Message ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 44: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 45: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 46: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 47: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 48: Label: 'Message ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 49: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 50: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 51: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 52: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 53: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 54: Label: 'Message styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 55: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 56: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 57: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 58: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 59: Label: 'Message string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 60: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 61: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 62: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 63: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 64: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 65: Label: '2049' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 66: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 67: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 68: Label: 'Enabled control message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 69: Label: 'Disabled control message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 70: Label: 'Checked control message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 71: Label: 'Other control message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 72: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 73: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 74: Label: '2050' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 75: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 76: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 77: Label: 'Enabled control ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 78: Label: 'Disabled control ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 79: Label: 'Checked control ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 80: Label: 'Other control ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 81: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 82: Label: '2051' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 83: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 84: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 85: Label: 'Enabled control ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 86: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 87: Label: 'Disabled control ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 88: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 89: Label: 'Checked control ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 90: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 91: Label: 'Other control ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 92: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 93: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 94: Label: '2054' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 95: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 96: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 97: Label: 'Enabled control styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 98: Label: 'Disabled control styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 99: Label: 'Checked control styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 100: Label: 'Other control styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 101: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 102: Label: '2055' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 103: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 104: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 105: Label: 'Enabled control ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 106: Label: 'Disabled control ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 107: Label: 'Checked control ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 108: Label: 'Other control string ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 109: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 110: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 111: Label: 'Unknown message format' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 112: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 113: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 114: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_704_hovr.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Balloon help version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB27' (0x4C423237) 3: Label: 'For ÔhwinÕs, match string anywhere in title' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 4: Label: 'Create window, restore bits, and cause update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 5: Label: 'DonÕt create window, restore bits, no update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 6: Label: 'Pretend window port origin is set to (0,0)' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 7: Label: 'Treat resource IDs as sub-IDs for owned resources of a D/A, etc.' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 8: Label: 'Balloon ÔWDEFÕ Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 9: Label: 'Standard balloons=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Balloon variation code (tip position)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 11: Label: 'Along left side at top=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Along left side at bottom=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Along bottom at left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Along bottom at right=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Along right side at bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Along right side at top=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Along top on right=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Along top at left=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Message records' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 20: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 21: Label: 'Missing message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 22: Label: 'Use this string=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resource=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resource=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 29: Label: 'Missing message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 30: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 31: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 32: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 33: Label: 'Missing message ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 34: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 35: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 36: Label: 'Misssing message ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 37: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 38: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 39: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 40: Label: 'Missing message styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 41: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 42: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 43: Label: 'Missing message ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 44: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 45: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 46: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 47: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 48: Label: 'Unknown message format' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 49: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 50: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 51: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 52: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 53: Label: 'Message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 54: Label: 'Use this string=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resource=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 58: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resource=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 61: Label: 'Help message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 62: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 63: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 64: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 65: Label: 'Message ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 66: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 67: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 68: Label: 'Message ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 69: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 70: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 71: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 72: Label: 'Message styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 73: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 74: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 75: Label: 'Message ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 76: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 77: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 78: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 79: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 80: Label: 'Unknown message format' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 81: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 82: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 83: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_703_hmnu.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Balloon help version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB27' (0x4C423237) 3: Label: 'For ÔhwinÕs, match string anywhere in title' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 4: Label: 'Create window, restore bits, and cause update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 5: Label: 'DonÕt create window, restore bits, no update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 6: Label: 'Pretend window port origin is set to (0,0)' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 7: Label: 'Treat resource IDs as owned sub-IDs for D/As, etc.' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 8: Label: 'Balloon ÔWDEFÕ Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 9: Label: 'Standard balloons=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Balloon variation code (tip position)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 11: Label: 'Along left side at top=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Along left side at bottom=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Along bottom at left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Along bottom at right=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Along right side at bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Along right side at top=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Along top on right=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Along top at left=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Item message records' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 20: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 21: Label: 'Missing message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 22: Label: 'Use these strings=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resources=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resources=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 29: Label: 'Enabled missing message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 30: Label: 'Disabled missing message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 31: Label: 'Checked missing message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 32: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Other missing message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 34: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 35: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 36: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 37: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 38: Label: 'Enabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 39: Label: 'Disabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 40: Label: 'Checked item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 41: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Other item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 43: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 45: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 46: Label: 'Enabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 47: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 48: Label: 'Disabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 49: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 50: Label: 'Checked item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 51: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 53: Label: 'Other item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 54: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 56: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 57: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 58: Label: 'Enabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 59: Label: 'Disabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 60: Label: 'Checked item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 61: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'Other item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 63: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 65: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 66: Label: 'Enabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 67: Label: 'Disabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 68: Label: 'Checked item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 69: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 70: Label: 'Other item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 71: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 73: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 74: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 75: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 76: Label: 'Unknown message format' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 77: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 78: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 79: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 80: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 81: Label: 'Message record type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 82: Label: 'Use these strings=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resources=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 85: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 86: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resources=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 87: Label: 'Use named resource type=1024' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 88: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 89: Label: 'Compare item=512' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 90: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 91: Label: 'Enabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 92: Label: 'Disabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 93: Label: 'Checked message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 94: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 95: Label: 'Other message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 96: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 97: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 98: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 99: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 100: Label: 'Enabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 101: Label: 'Disabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 102: Label: 'Checked item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 103: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 104: Label: 'Other item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 105: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 106: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 107: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 108: Label: 'Enabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 109: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 110: Label: 'Disabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 111: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 112: Label: 'Checked item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 113: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 114: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 115: Label: 'Other item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 116: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 117: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 118: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 119: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 120: Label: 'Enabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 121: Label: 'Disabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 122: Label: 'Checked item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 123: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 124: Label: 'Other item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 125: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 126: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 127: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 128: Label: 'Enabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 129: Label: 'Disabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 130: Label: 'Checked item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 131: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 132: Label: 'Other item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 133: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 134: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 135: Label: '1024' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 136: Label: 'Type of named resource containing a string' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 137: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 138: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 139: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 140: Label: '512' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 141: Label: 'Comparison string' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 142: Label: 'Message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 143: Label: 'Use these strings=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 144: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resources=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 145: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 146: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 147: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resources=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 148: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 149: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 150: Label: 'Enabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 151: Label: 'Disabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 152: Label: 'Checked message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 153: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 154: Label: 'Other message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 155: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 156: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 157: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 158: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 159: Label: 'Enabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 160: Label: 'Disabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 161: Label: 'Checked item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 162: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 163: Label: 'Other item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 164: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 165: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 166: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 167: Label: 'Enabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 168: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 169: Label: 'Disabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 170: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 171: Label: 'Checked item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 172: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 173: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 174: Label: 'Other item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 175: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 176: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 177: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 178: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 179: Label: 'Enabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 180: Label: 'Disabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 181: Label: 'Checked item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 182: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 183: Label: 'Other item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 184: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 185: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 186: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 187: Label: 'Enabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 188: Label: 'Disabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 189: Label: 'Checked item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 190: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 191: Label: 'Other item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 192: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 193: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 194: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 195: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 196: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 197: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 198: Label: 'Unknown message format' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 199: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 200: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 201: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_702_hfdr.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Balloon help version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB27' (0x4C423237) 3: Label: 'For ÔhwinÕs, match string anywhere in title' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 4: Label: 'Create window, restore bits, and cause update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 5: Label: 'DonÕt create window, restore bits, no update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 6: Label: 'Pretend window port origin is set to (0,0)' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 7: Label: 'Treat resource IDs as sub-IDs for owned resources of a D/A, etc.' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 8: Label: 'Balloon ÔWDEFÕ Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 9: Label: 'Standard balloons=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Balloon variation code (tip position)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 11: Label: 'Along left side at top=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Along left side at bottom=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Along bottom at left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Along bottom at right=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Along right side at bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Along right side at top=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Along top on right=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Along top at left=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Message records' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 20: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 21: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 22: Label: 'Missing message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 23: Label: 'Use this string=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resource=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resource=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resource=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 30: Label: 'Help message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 31: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 32: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 33: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 34: Label: 'Message ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 35: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 36: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 37: Label: 'Message ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 38: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 39: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 40: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 41: Label: 'Message styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 42: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 43: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 44: Label: 'Message ÔSTR Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 45: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 46: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 47: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 48: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 49: Label: 'Unknown message format' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 50: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 51: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 52: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_701_hdlg.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Balloon help version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Latest=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Item number (0-based) of first ÔDITLÕ item' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 3: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'LB27' (0x4C423237) 4: Label: 'For ÔhwinÕs, match string anywhere in title' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 5: Label: 'Create window, restore bits, and cause update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 6: Label: 'DonÕt create window, restore bits, no update' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 7: Label: 'Pretend window port origin is set to (0,0)' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 8: Label: 'Treat resource IDs as sub-IDs for owned resources of a D/A, etc.' Type: 'LB01' (0x4C423031) 9: Label: 'Balloon ÔWDEFÕ Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 10: Label: 'Standard balloons=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Balloon variation code (tip position)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 12: Label: 'Along left side at top=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Along left side at bottom=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Along bottom at left=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Along bottom at right=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Along right side at bottom=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Along right side at top=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Along top on right=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Along top at left=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Dialog items' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 21: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 22: Label: 'Missing message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 23: Label: 'Use these strings=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resources=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resources=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resources=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 30: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 31: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 32: Label: 'Enabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 33: Label: 'Disabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 34: Label: 'Checked message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 35: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'Other message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 37: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 39: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 40: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 41: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 42: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 43: Label: 'Enabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 44: Label: 'Disabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 45: Label: 'Checked item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 46: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'Other item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 48: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 49: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 50: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 51: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 52: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 53: Label: 'Enabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 54: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 55: Label: 'Disabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 56: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 57: Label: 'Checked item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 58: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 60: Label: 'Other item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 61: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 63: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 64: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 65: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 66: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 67: Label: 'Enabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 68: Label: 'Disabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 69: Label: 'Checked item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 70: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 71: Label: 'Other item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 72: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 73: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 74: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 75: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 76: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 77: Label: 'Enabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 78: Label: 'Disabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 79: Label: 'Checked item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 80: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 81: Label: 'Other item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 82: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 84: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 85: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 86: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 87: Label: 'Unknown message info' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 88: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 89: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 90: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 91: Label: 'Number of bytes to next record' Type: 'SKIP' (0x534B4950) 92: Label: 'Message type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 93: Label: 'Use these strings=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 94: Label: 'Use ÔPICTÕ resources=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 95: Label: 'Use ÔSTR#Õ resources=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 96: Label: 'Use styled text resources=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 97: Label: 'Use ÔSTR Õ resources=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 98: Label: 'Skip missing item=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 99: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 100: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 101: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 102: Label: 'Enabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 103: Label: 'Disabled message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 104: Label: 'Checked message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 105: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 106: Label: 'Other message' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 107: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 108: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 109: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 110: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 111: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 112: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 113: Label: 'Enabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 114: Label: 'Disabled item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 115: Label: 'Checked item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 116: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 117: Label: 'Other item ÔPICTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 118: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 119: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 120: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 121: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 122: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 123: Label: 'Enabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 124: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 125: Label: 'Disabled item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 126: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 127: Label: 'Checked item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 128: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 129: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 130: Label: 'Other item ÔSTR#Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 131: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 132: Label: ' Which string' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 133: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 134: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 135: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 136: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 137: Label: 'Enabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 138: Label: 'Disabled item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 139: Label: 'Checked item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 140: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 141: Label: 'Other item styled text resources ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 142: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 143: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 144: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 145: Label: 'Tip' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 146: Label: 'Hot rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 147: Label: 'Enabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 148: Label: 'Disabled item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 149: Label: 'Checked item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 150: Label: 'Item canÕt be checked=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 151: Label: 'Other item string (ÔSTR Õ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 152: Label: 'Item canÕt be other=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 153: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 154: Label: '256' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 155: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 156: Label: '' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 157: Label: 'Unknown message info' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) 158: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 159: Label: '' Type: 'SKPE' (0x534B5045) 160: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_700.txt TMPL_513_inrl.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Easy Install Rules format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB16' (0x57423136) 4: Label: 'Rules' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 5: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 6: Label: 'Condition' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 7: Label: 'Always FALSE=-2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Always TRUE=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Check Gestalt=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Check minimum memory=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Check for existent data fork=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Check for existent resource fork=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Check file for existing resource by ID=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Check file for existing resource by name=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Check file version=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Check file country code=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Check target volume size=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Check user function=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Check all assertions=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Check any assertions=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Check more than one assertion=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Add user description=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Add packages=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Add assertion=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Report volume error=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Report system error=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Add audit record=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Check audit record=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'Check any audit record=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: '-2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 31: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 32: Label: '-1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 33: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 34: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 35: Label: 'Gestalt selector' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 36: Label: 'System Version=sysv' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 37: Label: 'CPU Type=proc' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Floating Point Unit=fpu ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'Processor Type=proc' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Hardware Attributes=hdwr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Keyboard Type=kbd ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Addressing mode=addr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'Alias Manager=alis' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'AppleTalk Version=atlk' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'A/UX Version=a/ux' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'CTB Version=ctbv' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'DataBase Access Manager=dbac' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: 'Edition Manager=edtn' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 49: Label: 'Help Manager=help' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: 'Apple Events=evnt' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'Folder Manager=fold' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Font Manager=font' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 53: Label: 'Low Memory Size=lmem' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 54: Label: 'Logical RAM Size=lram' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'ROM Size=rom ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Miscellaneous Attributes=misc' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'Notification Manager=nmgr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 58: Label: 'Operating System Attributes=os ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Logical Page Size=pgsz' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: 'Parity Attributes=prty' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 61: Label: 'Power Manager Attributes=powr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'PPC Toolbox Attributes=ppc ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 63: Label: 'QuickDraw Version=qd ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: 'Physical RAM Size=ram ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 65: Label: 'Resource Manager Attributes=rsrc' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 66: Label: 'ROM Version=romv' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 67: Label: 'Script Manager Version=scri' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 68: Label: 'Script Count=src#' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 69: Label: 'Sound Manager Attributes=snd ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 70: Label: 'TextEdit Version=te ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 71: Label: 'Time Manager Version=tmgr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: 'Virtual Memory Attributes=vm ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 73: Label: 'Version=vers' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 74: Label: 'Possible return values' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 75: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 76: Label: 'Result' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 77: Label: 'Macintosh type: Unknown=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 78: Label: ' Mac512KE=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 79: Label: ' MacPlus=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 80: Label: ' MacSE=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 81: Label: ' MacII=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 82: Label: ' MacIIx=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: ' MacIIcx=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: ' MacSE30=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 85: Label: ' MacPortable=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 86: Label: ' MacIIci=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 87: Label: ' MacIIfx=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 88: Label: ' MacClassic=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 89: Label: ' MacIIsi=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 90: Label: ' MacLC=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 91: Label: 'CPU Type: Unknown=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 92: Label: ' 68000=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 93: Label: ' 68010=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 94: Label: ' 68020=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 95: Label: ' 68030=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 96: Label: ' 68040=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 97: Label: 'Memory Management: None=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 98: Label: ' AMU=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 99: Label: ' 68851=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 100: Label: ' 68030 MMU=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 101: Label: ' 68040 MMU=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 102: Label: 'Floating Point Unit: No FPU=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 103: Label: ' 68881=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 104: Label: ' 68882=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 105: Label: ' 68040FPU=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 106: Label: 'Keyboard type: Unknown=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 107: Label: ' Mac=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 108: Label: ' MacAndPad=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 109: Label: ' MacPlusKbd=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 110: Label: ' Extended ADB=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 111: Label: ' Standard ADB=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 112: Label: ' Portable ADB=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 113: Label: ' Portable IntÕl=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 114: Label: ' Standard IntÕl ADB=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 115: Label: ' Extended IntÕl ADB=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 116: Label: ' Elmer=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 117: Label: ' Elmer IntÕl=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 118: Label: 'QuickDraw: Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 119: Label: ' 8-bit=256' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 120: Label: ' 32-bit=512' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 121: Label: 'Time Manager: Unknown type=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 122: Label: ' Standard=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 123: Label: ' Revised=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 124: Label: ' Extended=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 125: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 126: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 127: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 128: Label: 'Minimum memory (in megabytes)' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 129: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 130: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 131: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 132: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 133: Label: '4' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 134: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 135: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 136: Label: '5' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 137: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 138: Label: 'Type of resource to check for' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 139: Label: 'System patch type=PTCH' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 140: Label: 'Its resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 141: Label: 'Mac Plus patch=117' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 142: Label: 'Mac SE patch=630' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 143: Label: 'Mac II patch=376' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 144: Label: 'Mac Portable patch=890' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 145: Label: 'Aurora patch=1660' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 146: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 147: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 148: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 149: Label: 'Type of resource to check for' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 150: Label: 'Its resource name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 151: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 152: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 153: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 154: Label: 'Version Number (BCD)' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 155: Label: 'Revision Number (BCD)' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 156: Label: 'Revision Stage' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 157: Label: 'Development=$20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 158: Label: 'Alpha=$40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 159: Label: 'Beta=$60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 160: Label: 'Final=$80' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 161: Label: 'Release=$80' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 162: Label: 'Non-final build number (BCD)' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 163: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 164: Label: '8' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 165: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 166: Label: 'Language Integer' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 167: Label: 'United States=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 168: Label: 'France=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 169: Label: 'Britain=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 170: Label: 'Germany=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 171: Label: 'Italy=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 172: Label: 'Netherlands=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 173: Label: 'Belgium/Luxembourg=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 174: Label: 'Sweden=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 175: Label: 'Spain=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 176: Label: 'Denmark=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 177: Label: 'Portugal=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 178: Label: 'French Canada=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 179: Label: 'Norway=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 180: Label: 'Israel=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 181: Label: 'Japan=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 182: Label: 'Australia=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 183: Label: 'Arabia=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 184: Label: 'Finland=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 185: Label: 'French Swiss=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 186: Label: 'German Swiss=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 187: Label: 'Greece=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 188: Label: 'Iceland=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 189: Label: 'Malta=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 190: Label: 'Cyprus=23' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 191: Label: 'Turkey=24' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 192: Label: 'Yugoslavia=25' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 193: Label: 'India=33' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 194: Label: 'Pakistan=34' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 195: Label: 'Lithuania=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 196: Label: 'Poland=42' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 197: Label: 'Hungary=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 198: Label: 'Estonia=44' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 199: Label: 'Latvia=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 200: Label: 'Lapland=46' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 201: Label: 'Faroe Islands=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 202: Label: 'Iran=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 203: Label: 'Russia=49' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 204: Label: 'Ireland=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 205: Label: 'Korea=51' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 206: Label: 'China=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 207: Label: 'Taiwan=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 208: Label: 'Thailand=54' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 209: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 210: Label: '9' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 211: Label: 'Smallest size disk this default map will use (in KBytes)' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 212: Label: 'Any size (floppy)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 213: Label: 'High density floppy=1400' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 214: Label: 'Hard disk=10000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 215: Label: 'Largest size disk (in KBytes)' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 216: Label: 'Any size (hard disk)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 217: Label: 'Floppy=900' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 218: Label: 'High density floppy=1500' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 219: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 220: Label: '10' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 221: Label: 'Executable resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 222: Label: 'Executable resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 223: Label: 'RefCon passed to executable resource' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 224: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 225: Label: '11' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 226: Label: 'Assertions' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 227: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 228: Label: 'Value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 229: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 230: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 231: Label: '12' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 232: Label: 'Assertions' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 233: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 234: Label: 'Value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 235: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 236: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 237: Label: '13' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 238: Label: 'Assertions' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 239: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 240: Label: 'Value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 241: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 242: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 243: Label: '14' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 244: Label: 'Description' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 245: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 246: Label: '15' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 247: Label: 'Packages' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 248: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 249: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 250: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 251: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 252: Label: '16' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 253: Label: 'Assertions' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 254: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 255: Label: 'Value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 256: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 257: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 258: Label: '17' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 259: Label: 'Message' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 260: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 261: Label: '18' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 262: Label: 'Message' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 263: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 264: Label: '19' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 265: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 266: Label: 'Resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 267: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 268: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 269: Label: '20' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 270: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 271: Label: 'Resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 272: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 273: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 274: Label: '21' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 275: Label: 'File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 276: Label: 'Resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 277: Label: 'Resources' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 278: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 279: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 280: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 281: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 282: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 283: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_512_inpk.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Package format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Standard=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Show package in Customize screen' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'Package can be removed' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB14' (0x57423134) 6: Label: 'Comment (ÔicmtÕ) resource ID for package' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 7: Label: 'No comment=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Size of all files and resources to be copied (in bytes)' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 9: Label: 'Package name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 10: Label: 'Divider=-' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Package parts' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 12: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 13: Label: 'Part resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 14: Label: 'Sub-package=inpk' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'File atom=infa' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Resource atom=inra' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Boot block atom=inbb' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Part resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 19: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 20: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_511_inra.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Resource Atom format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Delete file or resource if remove clicked' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'Delete target before copy' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Copy file or resource to destination' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB06' (0x57423036) 7: Label: 'Target must exist first (or be creatable by another ÔinraÕ)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 8: Label: 'Keep target resource if it already exists ' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 9: Label: 'Update resource only if target exists' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: 'Do it even if resource protected' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 11: Label: 'Resource need not exist in source' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 12: Label: 'Find resource by ID (Off ==> by name)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 13: Label: 'Resource name must match (if bit 1 is Off)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 14: Label: 'Target File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 15: Label: 'Source File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 16: Label: 'Source and target resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 17: Label: 'Source resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 18: Label: 'Target resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 19: Label: 'DoesnÕt matter=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Target resource size (including owned resources) in bytes' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 21: Label: 'Resource atom status description' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 22: Label: 'Building File:=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Target resource name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 24: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_510_infa.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'File Atom format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Delete file or resource if ÒRemoveÓ clicked' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'Delete target before copy' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Copy file or resource to destination' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 7: Label: 'Leave file alone if newer' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 8: Label: 'Keep existing file (if On, bit 15 should be Off)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 9: Label: 'Update only if target exists' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: 'Apply operation to fileÕs resource fork' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 11: Label: 'Apply operation to fileÕs data fork' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 12: Label: 'Target File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 13: Label: 'Source File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 14: Label: 'Delete target only=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'File size (in bytes)' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 16: Label: 'Name of file user sees' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 17: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_509_infs.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'File type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 1: Label: 'File creator' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 2: Label: 'Creation date' Type: 'DATE' (0x44415445) 3: Label: 'Search for target file if not in given path' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'Type and creator must match' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB14' (0x57423134) 6: Label: 'Full path' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) TMPL_508_infr.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Rule Framework format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Rules' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 4: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 5: Label: 'Select all packages (Off==>First only)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB15' (0x57423135) 7: Label: 'Rules' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 8: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 9: Label: 'Rule (ÔinrlÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 10: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 11: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 12: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_507_indo.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Disk Order format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Disks' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 4: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 5: Label: 'Disk or volume name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 6: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 7: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_505_icmt.txt Version release date: 4-byte integer (date) Package version number: 4-byte integer (hex) Comment ‘ICN#’ family resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Comment text: pstring (1-byte length) Align: (align to 2-byte boundary) TMPL_504_inbb.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Boot Block format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB14' (0x57423134) 4: Label: 'Change parameter if weÕre installing' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Change parameter if weÕre removing' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Boot Block type' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 7: Label: 'Update=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'ID=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Entry=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Version=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Page flags=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'System name=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Shell name=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Debug 1 name=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Debug 2 name=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Screen name=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Hello name=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Scrap name=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Count FCBs=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Count events=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: '128K System heap=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: '256K System heap=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: '512K System heap=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'System heap size=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'System heap extra (obsolete)=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'System heap fract (obsolete)=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: '-1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 28: Label: 'ÔbootÕ resource File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 29: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB07' (0x57423037) 30: Label: 'Save system name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 31: Label: 'Save shell name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 32: Label: 'Save debug 1 name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 33: Label: 'Save debug 2 name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 34: Label: 'Save screen name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 35: Label: 'Save hello name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 36: Label: 'Save scrap name (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 37: Label: 'Keep max FCB count (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 38: Label: 'Keep max event counts (Off ==> Replace)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 39: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 40: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 41: Label: 'ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 42: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 43: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 44: Label: 'Entry' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 45: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 46: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 47: Label: 'Version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 48: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 49: Label: '4' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 50: Label: 'Page flags' Type: 'WB16' (0x57423136) 51: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 52: Label: '5' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 53: Label: 'System name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 54: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 55: Label: '6' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 56: Label: 'Shell name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 57: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 58: Label: '7' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 59: Label: 'Debug 1 name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 60: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 61: Label: '8' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 62: Label: 'Debug 2 name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 63: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 64: Label: '9' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 65: Label: 'Screen name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 66: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 67: Label: '10' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 68: Label: 'Hello name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 69: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 70: Label: '11' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 71: Label: 'Scrap name' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 72: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 73: Label: '12' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 74: Label: 'Count FCBs' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 75: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 76: Label: '13' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 77: Label: 'Count events' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 78: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 79: Label: '14' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 80: Label: '128K Heap' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 81: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 82: Label: '15' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 83: Label: '256K Heap' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 84: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 85: Label: '16' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 86: Label: '512K Heap' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 87: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 88: Label: '16' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 89: Label: 'System heap size' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 90: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 91: Label: '18' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 92: Label: 'System heap extra' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 93: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 94: Label: '19' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 95: Label: 'System heap fract' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 96: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 97: Label: 'Boot block atom description' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 98: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_503_inat.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Audit Trail format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Target File Spec (ÔinfsÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 4: Label: 'Selector' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 5: Label: 'Mac System Software=mssw' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'afps=afps' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'FileShare=fshr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'EtherTalk=etlk' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'TokenTalk=ttlk' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Mac Plus=plus' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Mac SE=se ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Mac SE/30=se30' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Portable=port' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Mac II=II ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Mac IIx=IIx ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Mac IIcx=IIcx' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Mac IIci=IIci' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Mac IIfx=IIfx' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Value' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 20: Label: 'Not installed=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Minimal installation=$00000001' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Full installation=$00000002' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_502_inaa.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Action Atom format version' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Original=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 3: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB13' (0x57423133) 4: Label: 'Call this procedure before all installations (Off==>after)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Call this procedure when doing a remove' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Call this procedure when doing an install' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 7: Label: 'Executable resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 8: Label: 'proc=proc' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'CODE=CODE' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'infn=infn' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Execuatable resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 12: Label: 'RefCon passed to executable resource' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 13: Label: 'Action Atom description' Type: 'ESTR' (0x45535452) 14: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) TMPL_501_audt.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Audit records' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'Selector' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 3: Label: 'Mac System Software=mssw' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'afps=afps' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'FileShare=fshr' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'EtherTalk=etlk' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'TokenTalk=ttlk' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Mac Plus=plus' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Mac SE=se ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Mac SE/30=se30' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Portable=port' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Mac II=II ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Mac IIx=IIx ' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Mac IIcx=IIcx' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Mac IIci=IIci' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Mac IIfx=IIfx' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Value' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 18: Label: 'Not installed=$00000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Minimal installation=$00000001' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Full installation=$00000002' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_500.txt TMPL_414_INFO.txt Color type: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Black & white, 1 = Color) Preferred color depth: 2-byte integer (decimal) (1 = 1 bit/pixel, 2 = 2 bits/pixel, 4 = 4 bits/pixel, 8 = 8 bits/pixel, 16 = 16 bits/pixel) Speed (1 to 200 frames/sec, or if negative, secs/frame): 2-byte integer (decimal) Version: 2-byte integer (hex) (0 = Latest) Application signature (creator type): 4-byte integer (char) Size of largest frame in bytes: 4-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Ignore) TMPL_413_ckid.txt Checksum (of all subsequent long words): 4-byte integer (hex) Location identifier: 4-byte integer (decimal) (1071985200 = LOC) Version: 2-byte integer (decimal) (4 = Current version) Modifications: 2-byte integer (hex) (0 = ReadOnly) Branch: 1-byte integer (char) Modify Read Only: 1-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Clean, 1 = Modified) Unused: 4-byte zero fill Checkout time: 4-byte integer (date) File’s modification date: 4-byte integer (date) PID.a: 4-byte integer (hex) PID.b: 4-byte integer (hex) User ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) File ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Revision ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Project path: pstring (1-byte length) EOS: 1-byte zero fill User name: pstring (1-byte length) EOS: 1-byte zero fill Revision number: pstring (1-byte length) EOS: 1-byte zero fill File name: pstring (1-byte length) EOS: 1-byte zero fill Task: pstring (1-byte length) EOS: 1-byte zero fill Comment: pstring (2-byte length) EOS: 1-byte zero fill Possible extensions: rest of data in resource TMPL_412_RES#.txt Resources: list (2-byte one-based item count) Resource type: 4-byte integer (char) Resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_411_qrsc.txt Version: 2-byte integer (decimal) ‘qdef’ resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Host etc. strings (‘STR#’) resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Current query: 2-byte integer (decimal) Queries: list (2-byte one-based item count) ‘wstr’ resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Resources: list (2-byte one-based item count) Type: 4-byte integer (char) ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_410_SIGN.txt Key word: 4-byte integer (decimal) ‘BNDL’ resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_409_fld#.txt •••••: list (until end of resource) Folder type: 4-byte integer (char) Version: 2-byte zero fill Length high byte: 1-byte zero fill Folder name: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment with 1-byte offset) TMPL_408_PSAP.txt String: pstring (2-byte length) TMPL_407_PRC3.txt Number of Buttons: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 1 Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 1 Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 2 Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 2 Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 3 Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 3 Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 4 Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 4 Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 5 Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 5 Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 6 Height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 6 Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Button 1 Name: pstring (1-byte length) Button 2 Name: pstring (1-byte length) Button 3 Name: pstring (1-byte length) Button 4 Name: pstring (1-byte length) Button 5 Name: pstring (1-byte length) Button 6 Name: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_406_finf.txt Fonts: list (2-byte one-based item count) Font number: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font style: 2-byte integer (hex) (0 = Plain) Font size: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_405_FDIR.txt •••••: list (until end of resource) Button directory ID: 4-byte integer (hex) TMPL_404_FBTN.txt Buttons: list (2-byte one-based item count) Embedded icon: 128 data bytes Type: 4-byte integer (char) Application: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) Document: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) TMPL_403_CTY#.txt Cities: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Number of characters: 2-byte integer (decimal) Latitude: 4-byte integer (hex) Longitude: 4-byte integer (hex) Greenwich Mean Time Difference: 4-byte integer (decimal) abc: 4-byte integer (decimal) City name: pstring (1-byte length) Align: (align to 2-byte boundary) TMPL_401_acur.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Cursor ÒframeÓs' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: 'Used a ÒframeÓ counter' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 2: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 3: Label: 'ÔCURSÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 4: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 5: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_400.txt TMPL_308_FREF.txt File type: 4-byte integer (char) Local ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Description: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_307_SIZE.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Save screen (Switcher)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 1: Label: 'Accepts Suspend/Resume events' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 2: Label: 'Disable Option-switch (Switcher)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 3: Label: 'Accepts null events in background' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'Does its own activate on foreground switch' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Background only (no user interface)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Get front clicks when switching to foreground' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 7: Label: 'Accepts application died events' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 8: Label: '32-bit compatible' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 9: Label: 'Accepts high-level events (System 7)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: 'Accepts both local and remote high-level events (System 7)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 11: Label: 'Checks stationery bit when opening documents (System 7)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 12: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 13: Label: 'Preferred MultiFinder partition size (in bytes)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 14: Label: 'Minimum MultiFinder partition size (in bytes)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) TMPL_305_minf.txt cstring TMPL_304_FCMT.txt Comment: pstring (1-byte length) Data: rest of data in resource TMPL_303_LAYO.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Font ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 2: Label: 'Screen header height' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 3: Label: 'Top line break' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 4: Label: 'Bottom line break' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 5: Label: 'Printing header height' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 6: Label: 'Printing footer height' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 7: Label: 'Window rectangle' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 8: Label: 'Line spacing' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 9: Label: 'Tab stop 1' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 10: Label: 'Tab stop 2' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 11: Label: 'Tab stop 3' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 12: Label: 'Tab stop 4' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 13: Label: 'Tab stop 5' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 14: Label: 'Tab stop 6' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 15: Label: 'Tab stop 7' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 16: Label: 'Column justification' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 17: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 18: Label: 'Icon horizontal spacing' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 19: Label: 'Icon vertical spacing' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 20: Label: 'Icon vertical phase' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 21: Label: 'Small icon horizontal spacing' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 22: Label: 'Small icon vertical spacing' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 23: Label: 'Default view' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 24: Label: 'filler' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 25: Label: 'Text view date' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 26: Label: 'Use zoom rectangles' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 27: Label: 'Skip trash warnings' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 28: Label: 'Always grid drags' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 29: Label: 'Unused' Type: 'BB05' (0x42423035) 30: Label: 'Icon-text gap' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 31: Label: 'Sort style' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 32: Label: 'Watch threshold' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 33: Label: 'Unused' Type: 'BB04' (0x42423034) 34: Label: 'Use physical icon' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 35: Label: 'Title click' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 36: Label: 'Copy inherit' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 37: Label: 'New folder inherit' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 38: Label: 'Color style' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 39: Label: 'Max number of windows' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) TMPL_302_BNDL.txt Owner name (autograph): 4-byte integer (char) Autograph resource ID (0): 2-byte integer (decimal) Types: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Type: 4-byte integer (char) Mappings: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Local ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Actual resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_301_APPL.txt •••••: list (until end of resource) Creator: 4-byte integer (char) Directory ID: 4-byte integer (decimal) Application: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) TMPL_300.txt TMPL_211_mitq.txt Queue size for 3 bit inverse table: 4-byte integer (decimal) Queue size for 4 bit inverse table: 4-byte integer (decimal) Queue size for 5 bit inverse table: 4-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_210_wctb.txt CwSeed: 4-byte integer (hex) CwReserved: 2-byte integer (decimal) CtSize: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Part code: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Content color, 1 = Frame color, 2 = Text color, 3 = Hilite color, 4 = Title bar color) Color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_209_ppat.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'PixPat pattern type' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Full color=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Offset to PixMap record' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 3: Label: 'Offset to PixMap data' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 4: Label: 'Expanded pixel image' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 5: Label: 'Pattern valid flag' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 6: Label: 'Expanded pattern' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 7: Label: 'Old-style 1-bit pattern ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ' Type: 'H008' (0x48303038) 8: Label: 'PixMap baseAddr' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 9: Label: ' Is a PixMap' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: ' Reserved' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 11: Label: ' rowBytes' Type: 'WB13' (0x57423133) 12: Label: ' bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 13: Label: ' PixMap version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 14: Label: 'Initial release=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: ' Packing algorithm type' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 16: Label: 'No packing=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: ' Size of packed data' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 18: Label: 'Not packed=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: ' Horizontal Resolution (pixels/inch)' Type: 'FIXD' (0x46495844) 20: Label: ' Vertical Resolution (pixels/inch)' Type: 'FIXD' (0x46495844) 21: Label: ' Pixel size (bits per pixel)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 22: Label: ' Color components per pixel' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 23: Label: 'Chunky=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: ' Offset from one plane to next (in bytes)' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 25: Label: 'One plane only (chunky)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: ' Handle to color table' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 27: Label: ' Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 28: Label: 'Pixel data and color table' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_208_pltt.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Color table count' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 2: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 3: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 4: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 5: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTB' (0x4C535442) 6: Label: 'Color' Type: 'COLR' (0x434F4C52) 7: Label: 'Unused' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 8: Label: 'Usage: pmExplicit' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 9: Label: 'Usage: pmAnimated' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: 'Usage: pmTolerant' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 11: Label: 'Usage: pmDithered' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 12: Label: 'Tolerance value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 13: Label: 'Private flags' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 14: Label: 'Private' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 15: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_207_mctb.txt Color menu entries: list (2-byte one-based item count) Menu ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) (-99 = Last entry (MUST EXIST!), 0 = Menu bar) Item number: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Menu title) Color 1: color (48-bit RGB) Color 2: color (48-bit RGB) Color 3: color (48-bit RGB) Color 4: color (48-bit RGB) Reserved: 2-byte integer (hex) TMPL_206_fctb.txt CfSeed: 4-byte integer (hex) CfReserved: 2-byte integer (decimal) CtSize: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Part code: 2-byte integer (decimal) Color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_205_dctb.txt CdSeed: 4-byte integer (hex) CdReserved: 2-byte integer (decimal) CtSize: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Part code: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Content color, 1 = Frame color, 2 = Text color, 3 = Hilite color, 4 = Title bar color) Color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_204_clut.txt CtSeed: 4-byte integer (hex) CtFlags: 2-byte integer (decimal) CtSize: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Part code: 2-byte integer (decimal) Color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_203_cicn.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'IconPMap baseAddr' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 1: Label: ' Is a PixMap' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 2: Label: ' Reserved' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 3: Label: ' rowBytes' Type: 'WB13' (0x57423133) 4: Label: ' bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 5: Label: ' PixMap version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 6: Label: 'Initial release=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: ' Packing algorithm type' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 8: Label: 'No packing=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: ' Size of packed data' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 10: Label: 'Not packed=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: ' Horizontal Resolution (pixels/inch)' Type: 'FIXD' (0x46495844) 12: Label: ' Vertical Resolution (pixels/inch)' Type: 'FIXD' (0x46495844) 13: Label: ' Pixel size (bits per pixel)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 14: Label: ' Color components per pixel' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 15: Label: 'Chunky=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: ' Offset from one plane to next (in bytes)' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 17: Label: 'One plane only (chunky)=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: ' Handle to color table' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 19: Label: ' Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 20: Label: 'IconMask baseAddr' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 21: Label: ' rowBytes' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 22: Label: ' bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 23: Label: 'Icon 1-bit BitMap baseAddr' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 24: Label: ' rowBytes' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 25: Label: ' bounds' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 26: Label: 'Color icon data handle' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 27: Label: 'Mask data, BitMap data, Color table data, PixMap data' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_202_cctb.txt CcSeed: 4-byte integer (hex) CcReserved: 2-byte integer (decimal) CtSize: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Part code: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Frame Color, 1 = Body Color, 2 = Text Color, 3 = Thumb Color) Color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_201_actb.txt CaSeed: 4-byte integer (hex) CaReserved: 2-byte integer (decimal) CtSize: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Part code: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Content color, 1 = Frame color, 2 = Text color, 3 = Hilite color, 4 = Title bar color) Color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_200.txt TMPL_144_styl.txt Character runs: list (2-byte one-based item count) Offset to start of style run: 4-byte integer (decimal) Line height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font ascent: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font family number: 2-byte integer (decimal) Character style: 2-byte integer (decimal) Size (in points): 2-byte integer (decimal) Text color: color (48-bit RGB) TMPL_143_snd .txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Sound Format' Type: 'KWRD' (0x4B575244) 1: Label: 'Sound Manager=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Hypercard=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 4: Label: 'Synthesizers' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 5: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 6: Label: 'Synthesizer/modifier (ÔsnthÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 7: Label: 'General note synth=$0001' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'General wave table synth=$0003' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'General sampled synth=$0005' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Sound chip note synth=$0801' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Sound chip wave table synth=$0803' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Sound chip sampled synth=$0805' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Plus/SE note synth=$1001' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Plus/SE wave table synth=$1003' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Plus/SE sampled synth=$1005' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Initialization parameter' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 17: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 18: Label: 'Sound commands' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 19: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 20: Label: 'Command has data (param 2 is offset)' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 21: Label: 'Other high bits' Type: 'BB07' (0x42423037) 22: Label: 'Command type' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 23: Label: 'Null=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Init=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Free=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Quiet=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Flush=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Wait=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'Pause=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'Resume=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 31: Label: 'Call back=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'Sync=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Empty=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: 'Tickle=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 35: Label: 'Request next=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'How often=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 37: Label: 'Wakeup=23' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Available=24' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'Version=25' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Note=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Rest=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Frequency=42' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'Amplitude=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Timbre=44' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'Wave table=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'Phase=61' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'Sound=80' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: 'Buffer=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 49: Label: 'Rate=82' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: 'Continue buffer=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 52: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 53: Label: 'Filler (NIL)' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 54: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 55: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 56: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 57: Label: 'What to init' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 58: Label: 'Left channel=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Right channel=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: 'Channel 0=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 61: Label: 'Channel 1=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'Channel 2=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 63: Label: 'Channel 3=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: '22K sample rate=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 65: Label: '44K sample rate=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 66: Label: 'Mono=128' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 67: Label: 'Stereo=192' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 68: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 69: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 70: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 71: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 72: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 73: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 74: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 75: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 76: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 77: Label: '4' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 78: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 79: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 80: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 81: Label: '10' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 82: Label: 'Duration (half-milliseconds)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 83: Label: 'One second=2000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: 'Maximum (about 16 secs)=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 85: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 86: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 87: Label: '11' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 88: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 89: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 90: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 91: Label: '12' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 92: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 93: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 94: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 95: Label: '13' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 96: Label: 'User parameter 1' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 97: Label: 'User parameter 2' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 98: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 99: Label: '14' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 100: Label: 'Count' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 101: Label: 'Identifier' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 102: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 103: Label: '15' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 104: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 105: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 106: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 107: Label: '20' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 108: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 109: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 110: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 111: Label: '21' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 112: Label: 'Count' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 113: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 114: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 115: Label: '22' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 116: Label: 'Period' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 117: Label: 'Pointer to modifier stub' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 118: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 119: Label: '23' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 120: Label: 'Period' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 121: Label: 'Pointer to modifier stub' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 122: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 123: Label: '24' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 124: Label: 'Status' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 125: Label: 'Init' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 126: Label: 'Left channel=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 127: Label: 'Right channel=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 128: Label: 'Channel 0=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 129: Label: 'Channel 1=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 130: Label: 'Channel 2=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 131: Label: 'Channel 3=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 132: Label: '22K sample rate=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 133: Label: '44K sample rate=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 134: Label: 'Mono=128' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 135: Label: 'Stereo=192' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 136: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 137: Label: '25' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 138: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 139: Label: 'Version returned' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 140: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 141: Label: '40' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 142: Label: 'Duration (half-milliseconds)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 143: Label: 'One second=2000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 144: Label: 'Maximum (about 16 secs)=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 145: Label: 'Amplitude' Type: 'LB08' (0x4C423038) 146: Label: 'Frequency' Type: 'LB24' (0x4C423234) 147: Label: 'Low C=36' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 148: Label: 'D=38' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 149: Label: 'E=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 150: Label: 'F=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 151: Label: 'G=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 152: Label: 'A=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 153: Label: 'B=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 154: Label: 'Bass C=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 155: Label: 'D=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 156: Label: 'E=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 157: Label: 'F=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 158: Label: 'G=55' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 159: Label: 'A=57' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 160: Label: 'B=59' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 161: Label: 'Middle C=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 162: Label: 'D=62' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 163: Label: 'E=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 164: Label: 'F=65' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 165: Label: 'G=67' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 166: Label: 'A=69' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 167: Label: 'B=71' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 168: Label: 'Treble C=72' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 169: Label: 'D=74' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 170: Label: 'E=76' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 171: Label: 'F=77' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 172: Label: 'G=79' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 173: Label: 'A=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 174: Label: 'B=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 175: Label: 'High C=84' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 176: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 177: Label: '41' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 178: Label: 'Duration (half-milliseconds)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 179: Label: 'One second=2000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 180: Label: 'Maximum (about 16 secs)=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 181: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 182: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 183: Label: '42' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 184: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 185: Label: 'Ignored' Type: 'LB08' (0x4C423038) 186: Label: 'Frequency (hertz)' Type: 'LB16' (0x4C423136) 187: Label: 'Next field has MIDI note value=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 188: Label: 'A 440=440' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 189: Label: 'Midi note value' Type: 'LB08' (0x4C423038) 190: Label: 'Previous field has frequency=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 191: Label: 'Low C=36' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 192: Label: 'D=38' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 193: Label: 'E=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 194: Label: 'F=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 195: Label: 'G=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 196: Label: 'A=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 197: Label: 'B=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 198: Label: 'Bass C=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 199: Label: 'D=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 200: Label: 'E=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 201: Label: 'F=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 202: Label: 'G=55' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 203: Label: 'A=57' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 204: Label: 'B=59' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 205: Label: 'Middle C=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 206: Label: 'D=62' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 207: Label: 'E=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 208: Label: 'F=65' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 209: Label: 'G=67' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 210: Label: 'A=69' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 211: Label: 'B=71' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 212: Label: 'Treble C=72' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 213: Label: 'D=74' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 214: Label: 'E=76' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 215: Label: 'F=77' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 216: Label: 'G=79' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 217: Label: 'A=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 218: Label: 'B=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 219: Label: 'High C=84' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 220: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 221: Label: '43' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 222: Label: 'Amplitude' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 223: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 224: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 225: Label: '44' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 226: Label: 'Timbre' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 227: Label: 'Sine wave=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 228: Label: 'Modified square wave=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 229: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 230: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 231: Label: '60' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 232: Label: 'Length' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 233: Label: 'Pointer to table' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 234: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 235: Label: '61' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 236: Label: 'Shift' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 237: Label: 'Pointer to channel (chanPtr)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 238: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 239: Label: '80' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 240: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 241: Label: 'Pointer to sound' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 242: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 243: Label: '81' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 244: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 245: Label: 'Pointer to buffer' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 246: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 247: Label: '82' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 248: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 249: Label: 'Rate' Type: 'FIXD' (0x46495844) 250: Label: 'No change=1.0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 251: Label: 'Down an octave=0.5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 252: Label: 'Up an octave=2.0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 253: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 254: Label: '83' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 255: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 256: Label: 'Pointer to buffer' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 257: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 258: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 259: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 260: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 261: Label: 'Reference count' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 262: Label: 'Free=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 263: Label: 'Keep in memory=257' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 264: Label: 'Sound commands' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 265: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 266: Label: 'Command has data (param 2 is offset)' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 267: Label: 'Other high bits' Type: 'BB07' (0x42423037) 268: Label: 'Command type' Type: 'KBYT' (0x4B425954) 269: Label: 'Null=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 270: Label: 'Init=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 271: Label: 'Free=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 272: Label: 'Quiet=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 273: Label: 'Flush=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 274: Label: 'Wait=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 275: Label: 'Pause=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 276: Label: 'Resume=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 277: Label: 'Call back=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 278: Label: 'Sync=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 279: Label: 'Empty=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 280: Label: 'Tickle=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 281: Label: 'Request next=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 282: Label: 'How often=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 283: Label: 'Wakeup=23' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 284: Label: 'Available=24' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 285: Label: 'Version=25' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 286: Label: 'Note=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 287: Label: 'Rest=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 288: Label: 'Frequency=42' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 289: Label: 'Amplitude=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 290: Label: 'Timbre=44' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 291: Label: 'Wave table=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 292: Label: 'Phase=61' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 293: Label: 'Sound=80' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 294: Label: 'Buffer=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 295: Label: 'Rate=82' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 296: Label: 'Continue buffer=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 297: Label: '0' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 298: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 299: Label: 'Filler (NIL)' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 300: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 301: Label: '1' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 302: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 303: Label: 'What to init' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 304: Label: 'Left channel=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 305: Label: 'Right channel=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 306: Label: 'Channel 0=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 307: Label: 'Channel 1=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 308: Label: 'Channel 2=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 309: Label: 'Channel 3=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 310: Label: '22K sample rate=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 311: Label: '44K sample rate=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 312: Label: 'Mono=128' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 313: Label: 'Stereo=192' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 314: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 315: Label: '2' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 316: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 317: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 318: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 319: Label: '3' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 320: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 321: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 322: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 323: Label: '4' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 324: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 325: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 326: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 327: Label: '10' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 328: Label: 'Duration (half-milliseconds)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 329: Label: 'One second=2000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 330: Label: 'Maximum (about 16 secs)=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 331: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 332: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 333: Label: '11' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 334: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 335: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 336: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 337: Label: '12' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 338: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 339: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 340: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 341: Label: '13' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 342: Label: 'User parameter 1' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 343: Label: 'User parameter 2' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 344: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 345: Label: '14' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 346: Label: 'Count' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 347: Label: 'Identifier' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 348: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 349: Label: '15' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 350: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 351: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 352: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 353: Label: '20' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 354: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 355: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 356: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 357: Label: '21' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 358: Label: 'Count' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 359: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 360: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 361: Label: '22' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 362: Label: 'Period' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 363: Label: 'Pointer to modifier stub' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 364: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 365: Label: '23' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 366: Label: 'Period' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 367: Label: 'Pointer to modifier stub' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 368: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 369: Label: '24' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 370: Label: 'Status' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 371: Label: 'Init' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 372: Label: 'Left channel=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 373: Label: 'Right channel=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 374: Label: 'Channel 0=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 375: Label: 'Channel 1=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 376: Label: 'Channel 2=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 377: Label: 'Channel 3=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 378: Label: '22K sample rate=32' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 379: Label: '44K sample rate=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 380: Label: 'Mono=128' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 381: Label: 'Stereo=192' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 382: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 383: Label: '25' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 384: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 385: Label: 'Version returned' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 386: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 387: Label: '40' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 388: Label: 'Duration (half-milliseconds)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 389: Label: 'One second=2000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 390: Label: 'Maximum (about 16 secs)=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 391: Label: 'Amplitude' Type: 'LB08' (0x4C423038) 392: Label: 'Frequency' Type: 'LB24' (0x4C423234) 393: Label: 'Low C=36' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 394: Label: 'D=38' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 395: Label: 'E=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 396: Label: 'F=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 397: Label: 'G=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 398: Label: 'A=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 399: Label: 'B=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 400: Label: 'Bass C=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 401: Label: 'D=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 402: Label: 'E=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 403: Label: 'F=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 404: Label: 'G=55' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 405: Label: 'A=57' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 406: Label: 'B=59' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 407: Label: 'Middle C=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 408: Label: 'D=62' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 409: Label: 'E=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 410: Label: 'F=65' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 411: Label: 'G=67' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 412: Label: 'A=69' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 413: Label: 'B=71' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 414: Label: 'Treble C=72' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 415: Label: 'D=74' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 416: Label: 'E=76' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 417: Label: 'F=77' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 418: Label: 'G=79' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 419: Label: 'A=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 420: Label: 'B=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 421: Label: 'High C=84' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 422: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 423: Label: '41' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 424: Label: 'Duration (half-milliseconds)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 425: Label: 'One second=2000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 426: Label: 'Maximum (about 16 secs)=32767' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 427: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 428: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 429: Label: '42' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 430: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 431: Label: 'Ignored' Type: 'LB08' (0x4C423038) 432: Label: 'Frequency (hertz)' Type: 'LB16' (0x4C423136) 433: Label: 'Next field has MIDI note value=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 434: Label: 'A 440=440' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 435: Label: 'Midi note value' Type: 'LB08' (0x4C423038) 436: Label: 'Previous field has frequency=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 437: Label: 'Low C=36' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 438: Label: 'D=38' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 439: Label: 'E=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 440: Label: 'F=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 441: Label: 'G=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 442: Label: 'A=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 443: Label: 'B=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 444: Label: 'Bass C=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 445: Label: 'D=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 446: Label: 'E=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 447: Label: 'F=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 448: Label: 'G=55' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 449: Label: 'A=57' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 450: Label: 'B=59' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 451: Label: 'Middle C=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 452: Label: 'D=62' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 453: Label: 'E=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 454: Label: 'F=65' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 455: Label: 'G=67' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 456: Label: 'A=69' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 457: Label: 'B=71' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 458: Label: 'Treble C=72' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 459: Label: 'D=74' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 460: Label: 'E=76' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 461: Label: 'F=77' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 462: Label: 'G=79' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 463: Label: 'A=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 464: Label: 'B=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 465: Label: 'High C=84' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 466: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 467: Label: '43' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 468: Label: 'Amplitude' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 469: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 470: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 471: Label: '44' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 472: Label: 'Timbre' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 473: Label: 'Sine wave=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 474: Label: 'Modified square wave=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 475: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 476: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 477: Label: '60' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 478: Label: 'Length' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 479: Label: 'Pointer to table' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 480: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 481: Label: '61' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 482: Label: 'Shift' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 483: Label: 'Pointer to channel (chanPtr)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 484: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 485: Label: '80' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 486: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 487: Label: 'Pointer to sound' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 488: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 489: Label: '81' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 490: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 491: Label: 'Pointer to buffer' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 492: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 493: Label: '82' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 494: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 495: Label: 'Rate' Type: 'FIXD' (0x46495844) 496: Label: 'No change=1.0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 497: Label: 'Down an octave=0.5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 498: Label: 'Up an octave=2.0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 499: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 500: Label: '83' Type: 'KEYB' (0x4B455942) 501: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 502: Label: 'Pointer to buffer' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 503: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 504: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 505: Label: '' Type: 'KEYE' (0x4B455945) 506: Label: 'Pointer to data' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 507: Label: 'Data follows immediately=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 508: Label: 'Number of sound samples (in bytes)' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 509: Label: 'Sample rate' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 510: Label: '5K=$15BBA2E8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 511: Label: '7K=$1CFA2E8B' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 512: Label: '11K=$2B7745D1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 513: Label: '22K=$56EE8BA3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 514: Label: '44K=$AC440000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 515: Label: 'Start of loop' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 516: Label: 'End of loop' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 517: Label: 'Sound header encoding' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 518: Label: 'Standard=$00' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 519: Label: 'Extended=$01' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 520: Label: 'Compressed=$02' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 521: Label: 'Base note at which sample was taken' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 522: Label: 'Low C=36' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 523: Label: 'D=38' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 524: Label: 'E=40' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 525: Label: 'F=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 526: Label: 'G=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 527: Label: 'A=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 528: Label: 'B=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 529: Label: 'Bass C=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 530: Label: 'D=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 531: Label: 'E=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 532: Label: 'F=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 533: Label: 'G=55' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 534: Label: 'A=57' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 535: Label: 'B=59' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 536: Label: 'Middle C=60' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 537: Label: 'D=62' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 538: Label: 'E=64' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 539: Label: 'F=65' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 540: Label: 'G=67' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 541: Label: 'A=69' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 542: Label: 'B=71' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 543: Label: 'Treble C=72' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 544: Label: 'D=74' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 545: Label: 'E=76' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 546: Label: 'F=77' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 547: Label: 'G=79' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 548: Label: 'A=81' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 549: Label: 'B=83' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 550: Label: 'High C=84' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 551: Label: 'Sample data and other tables' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_142_ppcc.txt NBP Lookup interval: 1-byte integer (decimal) NBP Lookup count: 1-byte integer (decimal) NBP Maximum lives an entry has before deletion: 2-byte integer (decimal) NBP Maximum number of entities: 2-byte integer (decimal) NBP Idle time in ticks between lookups: 2-byte integer (decimal) PPC Maximum number of ports: 2-byte integer (decimal) PPC Idle time in ticks between list ports: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_141_mppc.txt Information passed to DRVR: 4-byte integer (hex) Override version number: 1-byte integer (decimal) Reserved: 1-byte zero fill TMPL_140_mcky.txt Byte 0: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 1: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 2: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 3: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 4: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 5: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 6: 1-byte integer (decimal) Byte 7: 1-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_139_KSWP.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTB' (0x4C535442) 1: Label: 'Script code' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 2: Label: 'Roman=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: 'Japanese=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Chinese=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'Korean=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Arabic=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'Hebrew=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Greek=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Rotate=-1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'System=-2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Alternate=-3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Virtual key code' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 13: Label: 'Fill bits' Type: 'BB03' (0x42423033) 14: Label: 'Control' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 15: Label: 'Option' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 16: Label: 'Fill' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 17: Label: 'Shift' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 18: Label: 'Command' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 19: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_138_KMAP.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 2: Label: 'Indices $00 - $0F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 3: Label: 'Indices $10 - $1F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 4: Label: 'Indices $20 - $2F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 5: Label: 'Indices $30 - $3F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 6: Label: 'Indices $40 - $4F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 7: Label: 'Indices $50 - $5F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 8: Label: 'Indices $60 - $6F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 9: Label: 'Indices $70 - $7F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 10: Label: 'ASCII Character Exceptions' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 11: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 12: Label: 'Raw key code' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 13: Label: 'XOR' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 14: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'BB03' (0x42423033) 15: Label: 'ADP operator' Type: 'BB04' (0x42423034) 16: Label: 'String' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 17: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_137_itl4.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Flags' Type: 'WB16' (0x57423136) 1: Label: 'Resource type' Type: 'TNAM' (0x544E414D) 2: Label: 'Standard=itl4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: 'Resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 4: Label: 'Version' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 5: Label: 'Latest=$0100' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 7: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 8: Label: 'Number of table entries' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 9: Label: 'Standard=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Map char offset / 8' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 11: Label: 'String copy offset / 8' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 12: Label: 'Extend fetch offset / 8' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 13: Label: 'Untoken offset / 8' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 14: Label: 'Default parts table offset / 8' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 15: Label: 'Reserved offset' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 16: Label: 'Reserved offset' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 17: Label: 'Reserved offset' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 18: Label: 'Reserved offset' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 19: Label: 'Map chars' Type: 'LCNT' (0x4C434E54) 20: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 21: Label: 'Character' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 22: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 23: Label: 'Tables' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_136_itl0.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Period symbol (decimal pt. separator)' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 1: Label: 'US=.' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 2: Label: 'Europe=,' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: 'Comma (thousands separator)' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 4: Label: 'US=,' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'Europe=.' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Semicolon (list separator)' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 7: Label: 'US=;' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Dollar sign (currency symbol 1)' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 9: Label: 'US=$' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Currency symbol 2' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 11: Label: 'Currency symbol 3' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 12: Label: 'Leading unit zero' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 13: Label: 'Trailing dec. zero' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 14: Label: 'Negative representation (On=Minus sign, Off=Parentheses)' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 15: Label: 'Currency symbol trails number' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 16: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'BB04' (0x42423034) 17: Label: 'Date order' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 18: Label: 'Month/Day/Year=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Day/Month/Year=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Year/Month/Day=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Month/Year/Day=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Day/Year/Month=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Year/Day/Month=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Include century in short date' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 25: Label: 'Leading 0 in month in short date' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 26: Label: 'Leading 0 in day in short date' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 27: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'BB05' (0x42423035) 28: Label: 'Slash symbol in short date' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 29: Label: 'US=/' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'Time cycle for short date' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 31: Label: 'Twenty four hour=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'Twelve hour zero cycle=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Twelve hour=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: 'Leading 0 in hours' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 35: Label: 'Leading 0 in minutes' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 36: Label: 'Leading 0 in seconds' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 37: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'BB05' (0x42423035) 38: Label: 'Morning string' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 39: Label: 'Evening string' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 40: Label: 'Time separator' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 41: Label: 'Time 1 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 42: Label: 'Time 2 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 43: Label: 'Time 3 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 44: Label: 'Time 4 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 45: Label: 'Time 5 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 46: Label: 'Time 6 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 47: Label: 'Time 7 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 48: Label: 'Time 8 stuff' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 49: Label: 'Measurement system' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 50: Label: 'Standard=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'Metric=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Country code' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 53: Label: 'United States=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 54: Label: 'France=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'Britain=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Germany=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'Italy=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 58: Label: 'Netherlands=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Belgium/Luxembourg=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: 'Sweden=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 61: Label: 'Spain=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'Denmark=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 63: Label: 'Portugal=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: 'French Canada=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 65: Label: 'Norway=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 66: Label: 'Israel=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 67: Label: 'Japan=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 68: Label: 'Australia=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 69: Label: 'Arabia=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 70: Label: 'Finland=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 71: Label: 'French Swiss=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: 'German Swiss=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 73: Label: 'Greece=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 74: Label: 'Iceland=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 75: Label: 'Malta=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 76: Label: 'Cyprus=23' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 77: Label: 'Turkey=24' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 78: Label: 'Yugoslavia=25' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 79: Label: 'India=33' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 80: Label: 'Pakistan=34' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 81: Label: 'Lithuania=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 82: Label: 'Poland=42' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 83: Label: 'Hungary=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 84: Label: 'Estonia=44' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 85: Label: 'Latvia=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 86: Label: 'Lapland=46' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 87: Label: 'Faroe Islands=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 88: Label: 'Iran=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 89: Label: 'Russia=49' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 90: Label: 'Ireland=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 91: Label: 'Korea=51' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 92: Label: 'China=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 93: Label: 'Taiwan=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 94: Label: 'Thailand=54' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 95: Label: 'Version' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) TMPL_135_KCHR.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Version' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Indices $00 - $0F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 2: Label: 'Indices $10 - $1F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 3: Label: 'Indices $20 - $2F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 4: Label: 'Indices $30 - $3F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 5: Label: 'Indices $40 - $4F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 6: Label: 'Indices $50 - $5F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 7: Label: 'Indices $60 - $6F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 8: Label: 'Indices $70 - $7F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 9: Label: 'Indices $80 - $8F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 10: Label: 'Indices $90 - $9F' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 11: Label: 'Indices $A0 - $AF' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 12: Label: 'Indices $B0 - $BF' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 13: Label: 'Indices $C0 - $CF' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 14: Label: 'Indices $D0 - $DF' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 15: Label: 'Indices $E0 - $EF' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 16: Label: 'Indices $F0 - $FF' Type: 'H010' (0x48303130) 17: Label: 'ASCII Characters' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 18: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 19: Label: 'Non-printable ASCII' Type: 'H020' (0x48303230) 20: Label: 'Printable chars' Type: 'T05F' (0x54303546) 21: Label: 'ASCII 127 (DEL)' Type: 'H001' (0x48303031) 22: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 23: Label: 'Dead keys' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 24: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 25: Label: 'Table number' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 26: Label: 'Virtual key code' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 27: Label: 'Substitutions' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 28: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 29: Label: 'Completor character' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 30: Label: 'Substituting character' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 31: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 32: Label: 'No match character' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 33: Label: '16-bit extension' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 34: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_134_KCAP.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Bounds rectangle' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 1: Label: 'Text rectangle' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 2: Label: 'Shapes and keys' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 3: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 4: Label: 'Shapes' Type: 'ZCNT' (0x5A434E54) 5: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 6: Label: 'Point' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 7: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 8: Label: 'Keys' Type: 'ZCNT' (0x5A434E54) 9: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 10: Label: 'Mask' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 11: Label: '0 ==> Or 1 ==> And' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 12: Label: 'Key code' Type: 'BB07' (0x42423037) 13: Label: 'Point' Type: 'PNT ' (0x504E5420) 14: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 15: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_133_PAT#.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Patterns' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'A pattern' Type: 'H008' (0x48303038) 3: Label: 'white=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'ltGray=1144114411441144' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'gray=AA55AA55AA55AA55' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'dkGray=77DD77DD77DD77DD' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'black=0000000000000000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_132_itl1.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Day 1 (Sunday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 1: Label: 'Day 2 (Monday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 2: Label: 'Day 3 (Tuesday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 3: Label: 'Day 4 (Wednesday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 4: Label: 'Day 5 (Thursday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 5: Label: 'Day 6 (Friday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 6: Label: 'Day 7 (Saturday)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 7: Label: 'Month 1 (January)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 8: Label: 'Month 2 (February)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 9: Label: 'Month 3 (March)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 10: Label: 'Month 4 (April)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 11: Label: 'Month 5 (May)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 12: Label: 'Month 6 (June)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 13: Label: 'Month 7 (July)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 14: Label: 'Month 8 (August)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 15: Label: 'Month 9 (September)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 16: Label: 'Month 10 (October)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 17: Label: 'Month 11 (November)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 18: Label: 'Month 12 (December)' Type: 'P010' (0x50303130) 19: Label: 'Day name' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 20: Label: 'Has it=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Suppress it=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Long date format' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 23: Label: 'Day/Month/Year=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Month/Day/Year=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Day has leading 0' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 26: Label: 'No=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Yes=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Abbreviation length' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 29: Label: 'String 0' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 30: Label: 'String 1' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 31: Label: 'String 2' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 32: Label: 'String 3' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 33: Label: 'String 4' Type: 'T004' (0x54303034) 34: Label: 'Country code' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 35: Label: 'United States=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'France=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 37: Label: 'Britain=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Germany=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'Italy=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Netherlands=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Belgium/Luxembourg=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Sweden=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'Spain=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Denmark=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'Portugal=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'French Canada=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'Norway=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: 'Israel=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 49: Label: 'Japan=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: 'Australia=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'Arabia=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Finland=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 53: Label: 'French Swiss=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 54: Label: 'German Swiss=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'Greece=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Iceland=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'Malta=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 58: Label: 'Cyprus=23' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'Turkey=24' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: 'Yugoslavia=25' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 61: Label: 'India=33' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'Pakistan=34' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 63: Label: 'Lithuania=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 64: Label: 'Poland=42' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 65: Label: 'Hungary=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 66: Label: 'Estonia=44' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 67: Label: 'Latvia=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 68: Label: 'Lapland=46' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 69: Label: 'Faroe Islands=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 70: Label: 'Iran=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 71: Label: 'Russia=49' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 72: Label: 'Ireland=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 73: Label: 'Korea=51' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 74: Label: 'China=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 75: Label: 'Taiwan=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 76: Label: 'Thailand=54' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 77: Label: 'Version' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 78: Label: 'Local routine' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_131_WIND.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'BoundsRect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 1: Label: 'ÔWDEFÕ resource ID' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 2: Label: 'Standard system=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: 'Standard desk accessory=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Variation code' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 5: Label: 'Document/standard accessory=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Modal dialog=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'Plain frame=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Shadow frame=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Non-growable document=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Moveable modal dialog=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Zoomable document=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'No grow, zoomable document=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Visible' Type: 'BOOL' (0x424F4F4C) 14: Label: 'GoAway' Type: 'BOOL' (0x424F4F4C) 15: Label: 'RefCon' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 16: Label: 'Title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 17: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 18: Label: 'Window placement' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 19: Label: 'Leave it alone=$0000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Center on main screen=$280A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Alert on main screen=$300A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Stagger on main screen=$380A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Center in parent window=$A80A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Alert in parent window=$B00A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Stagger in parent window=$B80A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Center on parentÕs screen=$68A0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Alert in parentÕs screen=$700A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Stagger on parentÕs screen=$780A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) TMPL_130_vers.txt Version Number (BCD): 1-byte integer (hex) Revision Number (BCD): 1-byte integer (hex) Revision Stage: 1-byte integer (hex) (32 = Development, 64 = Alpha, 96 = Beta, 128 = Final) Non-final build number (BCD): 1-byte integer (hex) Language Integer: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = United States, 1 = France, 2 = Britain, 3 = Germany, 4 = Italy, 5 = Netherlands, 6 = Belgium/Luxembourg, 7 = Sweden, 8 = Spain, 9 = Denmark, 10 = Portugal, 11 = French Canada, 12 = Norway, 13 = Israel, 14 = Japan, 15 = Australia, 16 = Arabia, 17 = Finland, 18 = French Swiss, 19 = German Swiss, 20 = Greece, 21 = Iceland, 22 = Malta, 23 = Cyprus, 24 = Turkey, 25 = Yugoslavia, 33 = India, 34 = Pakistan, 41 = Lithuania, 42 = Poland, 43 = Hungary, 44 = Estonia, 45 = Latvia, 46 = Lapland, 47 = Faroe Islands, 48 = Iran, 49 = Russia, 50 = Ireland, 51 = Korea, 52 = China, 53 = Taiwan, 54 = Thailand) Abbreviated string: pstring (1-byte length) Get Info string: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_129_TEXT.txt Text: cstring TMPL_128_sysz.txt Amount to increase system heap by (in bytes): 4-byte integer (hex) TMPL_127_STR#.txt Strings: list (2-byte one-based item count) A string: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_126_STR .txt String: pstring (1-byte length) Data: rest of data in resource TMPL_125_scrn.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Devices' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'sRsrc type' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 3: Label: 'Nubus slot (card slot+8)' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 4: Label: 'dCtlDevBase' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 5: Label: 'sRsrcID for mode' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 6: Label: 'FlagMask' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 7: Label: 'Always=$77FE' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Is active' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 9: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB03' (0x57423033) 10: Label: 'Is main screen' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 11: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB10' (0x57423130) 12: Label: 'Is color' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 13: Label: 'ÔclutÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 14: Label: 'ÔgamaÕ correction table resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 15: Label: 'DeviceÕs global rectangle' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 16: Label: 'Control calls' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 17: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 18: Label: 'CsCode for this call' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 19: Label: 'Length of parameter block' Type: 'WSTR' (0x57535452) 20: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 21: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 22: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_124_ROv#.txt Version of ROM: 2-byte integer (hex) Resources: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Type: 4-byte integer (char) Resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_123_PICT.txt Size: 2-byte integer (decimal) Picture frame: rectangle Opcodes: rest of data in resource TMPL_122_PAPA.txt Name: pstring (1-byte length) Type: pstring (1-byte length) Zone: pstring (1-byte length) Address block: 4-byte integer (hex) Dump: rest of data in resource TMPL_121_nrct.txt Rectangles: list (2-byte one-based item count) Rectangle: rectangle TMPL_120_MENU.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'MenuID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 1: Label: 'Width' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 2: Label: 'Height' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 3: Label: 'ÔMDEFÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 4: Label: 'Filler' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 5: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 6: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 7: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 8: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 9: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 10: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 11: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 12: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 13: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 14: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 15: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 16: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 17: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 18: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 19: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 20: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 21: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 22: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 23: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 24: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 25: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 26: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 27: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 28: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 29: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 30: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 31: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 32: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 33: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 34: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 35: Label: 'Enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 36: Label: 'Entire menu enabled' Type: 'LBIT' (0x4C424954) 37: Label: 'Title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 38: Label: 'Apple=' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTZ' (0x4C53545A) 40: Label: 'Menu Item Title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 41: Label: 'Divider=-' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Icon ID - 256 (or 0)' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 43: Label: 'No ICON=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Key equivalent' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 45: Label: 'No key=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'Mark Character' Type: 'CHAR' (0x43484152) 47: Label: 'No mark=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: 'Item Style' Type: 'HBYT' (0x48425954) 49: Label: 'Plain=$00' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_119_MBAR.txt Menus: list (2-byte one-based item count) ‘MENU’ resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_118_MACS.txt The String: pstring (1-byte length) Data: rest of data in resource TMPL_117_mach.txt Softmask: 2-byte integer (hex) Hardmask: 2-byte integer (hex) TMPL_116_itlk.txt Keyboards: list (2-byte one-based item count) Keyboard type: 2-byte integer (decimal) Old modifier bits: 1-byte integer (hex) Old key code: 1-byte integer (decimal) Mask modifier bits: 1-byte integer (hex) Key code mask: 1-byte integer (decimal) New modifier bits: 1-byte integer (hex) New key code: 1-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_115_itlc.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'System script code' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 1: Label: 'Keyboard cache size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 2: Label: 'Font force' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 3: Label: 'noFontForce=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'fontForce=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'IntÕl force' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 6: Label: 'noIntlForce=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'intlForce=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Old keyboard' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 9: Label: 'noOldKeyboard=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'oldKeyboard=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Always show icon' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 12: Label: 'Use dual caret for mixed directional text' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 13: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'BB06' (0x42423036) 14: Label: 'Script icon offset' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 15: Label: 'Menu side for offset' Type: 'UBYT' (0x55425954) 16: Label: 'rightSide=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'leftSide=255' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Reserved (icon data)' Type: 'FBYT' (0x46425954) 19: Label: 'Preferred region code' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 20: Label: 'United States=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'France=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Britain=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Germany=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Italy=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Netherlands=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Belgium/Luxembourg=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Sweden=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Spain=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'Denmark=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'Portugal=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 31: Label: 'French Canada=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'Norway=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Israel=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: 'Japan=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 35: Label: 'Australia=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'Arabia=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 37: Label: 'Finland=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'French Swiss=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'German Swiss=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Greece=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Iceland=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Malta=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'Cyprus=23' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 44: Label: 'Turkey=24' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 45: Label: 'Yugoslavia=25' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 46: Label: 'India=33' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 47: Label: 'Pakistan=34' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 48: Label: 'Lithuania=41' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 49: Label: 'Poland=42' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 50: Label: 'Hungary=43' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 51: Label: 'Estonia=44' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 52: Label: 'Latvia=45' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 53: Label: 'Lapland=46' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 54: Label: 'Faroe Islands=47' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 55: Label: 'Iran=48' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 56: Label: 'Russia=49' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 57: Label: 'Ireland=50' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 58: Label: 'Korea=51' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 59: Label: 'China=52' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 60: Label: 'Taiwan=53' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 61: Label: 'Thailand=54' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 62: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'H022' (0x48303232) TMPL_114_itlb.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Ôitl0Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 1: Label: 'Ôitl1Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 2: Label: 'Ôitl2Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 3: Label: 'Flags word' Type: 'WB16' (0x57423136) 4: Label: 'Ôitl4Õ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 5: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'FWRD' (0x46575244) 6: Label: 'Script language code' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 7: Label: 'English=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'French=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'German=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Italian=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Dutch=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'Swedish=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Spanish=6' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 14: Label: 'Danish=7' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 15: Label: 'Portuguese=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Norwegian=9' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Hebrew=10' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Japanese=11' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Arabic=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Finish=13' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Greek=14' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Icelandic=15' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Malta=16' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Turkish=17' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Yugoslavian=18' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Chinese=19' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Urdu=20' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Hindi=21' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'Thai=22' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 30: Label: 'Number representation code' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 31: Label: 'Western=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 32: Label: 'Arabic=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 33: Label: 'Roman=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 34: Label: 'Japanese=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 35: Label: 'European=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 36: Label: 'Date representation code' Type: 'DBYT' (0x44425954) 37: Label: 'Gregorian=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 38: Label: 'Arabic Civil=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 39: Label: 'Arabic Lunar=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 40: Label: 'Japanese=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 41: Label: 'Jewish=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 42: Label: 'Coptic=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 43: Label: 'ÔKCHRÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 44: Label: 'ÔSICNÕ/ÔkscnÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 45: Label: 'Size of scriptÕs local record' Type: 'ULNG' (0x554C4E47) 46: Label: 'Default monospace ÔFONDÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 47: Label: 'Default monospace font size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 48: Label: 'Preferred ÔFONDÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 49: Label: 'Preferred font size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 50: Label: 'Default small ÔFONDÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 51: Label: 'Default small font size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 52: Label: 'Default system ÔFONDÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 53: Label: 'Default system font size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 54: Label: 'Default application ÔFONDÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 55: Label: 'Default application font size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) 56: Label: 'Default Help Manager ÔFONDÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 57: Label: 'Default Help Manager font size' Type: 'UWRD' (0x55575244) TMPL_113_itl2.txt Init hook offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Fetch hook offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Vernier hook offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Project hook offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Reserved hook offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) (-1 = New formats) Exit hook offset (or new tables offset, if above is -1) / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Type list offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Class array offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Upper list offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Lower list offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Upper no mark list offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Word table offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Lower no mark list offset / 8: 2-byte integer (hex) Reserved: 2-byte integer (hex) Reserved: 2-byte integer (hex) Hooks and tables: rest of data in resource TMPL_112_FWID.txt Font type: 2-byte integer (hex) First char: 2-byte integer (decimal) Last char: 2-byte integer (decimal) Width max: 2-byte integer (decimal) Kern max: 2-byte integer (decimal) Negative descent: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font rect width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font rect (char) height: 2-byte integer (decimal) Offset to offset/width table: 2-byte integer (hex) Ascent: 2-byte integer (decimal) Descent: 2-byte integer (decimal) Leading: 2-byte integer (decimal) Row width (in words): 2-byte integer (decimal) •••••: list (until end of resource) Char offset: 1-byte integer (decimal) Char width: 1-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_111_FRSV.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Reserved fonts' Type: 'OCNT' (0x4F434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'Font family ID' Type: 'WB09' (0x57423039) 3: Label: 'Chicago=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Geneva=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 5: Label: 'Monaco=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Font size' Type: 'WB07' (0x57423037) 7: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_109_FONT.txt FontType: 2-byte integer (hex) FirstChar: 2-byte integer (decimal) LastChar: 2-byte integer (decimal) WidMax: 2-byte integer (decimal) KernMax: 2-byte integer (decimal) NDescent: 2-byte integer (decimal) FRectWid: 2-byte integer (decimal) ChHeight: 2-byte integer (decimal) OWTLoc: 2-byte integer (decimal) Ascent: 2-byte integer (decimal) Descent: 2-byte integer (decimal) Leading: 2-byte integer (decimal) RowWords: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font data: rest of data in resource TMPL_108_FOND.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Fixed width font (off ==> variable width)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 1: Label: 'DonÕt use family fractional width table' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 2: Label: 'Use integer extra width for styles' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 3: Label: 'Ignore FractEnable when deciding to use Fixed Pt vals for styles (bit 13).' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'DonÕt adjust character spacing' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Reserved' Type: 'WB09' (0x57423039) 6: Label: 'Has a character width table' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 7: Label: 'Has an image height table' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 8: Label: 'Family ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 9: Label: 'ASCII code of first character' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 10: Label: 'ASCII code of last character' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 11: Label: 'Maximum ascent for 1 pt. font' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 12: Label: 'Maximum descent for 1 pt. font' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 13: Label: 'Maximum leading for 1 pt. font' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 14: Label: 'Maximum width for 1 pt. font' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 15: Label: 'Offset to width tables (0 ==> no tables)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 16: Label: 'Offset to kerning tables (0 ==> no tables)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 17: Label: 'Offset to style mapping tables (0 ==> no tables)' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 18: Label: 'Unused' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 19: Label: 'Extra width for Bold' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 20: Label: 'Extra width for Italic' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 21: Label: 'Extra width for Underline' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 22: Label: 'Extra width for Outline' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 23: Label: 'Extra width for Shadow' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 24: Label: 'Extra width for Condensed' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 25: Label: 'Extra width for Extended' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 26: Label: 'Undefined' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 27: Label: 'Reserved for International' Type: 'HLNG' (0x484C4E47) 28: Label: 'Version number' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 29: Label: 'Font entries' Type: 'ZCNT' (0x5A434E54) 30: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 31: Label: 'Font Size' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 32: Label: 'Font Style' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 33: Label: 'ÔFONTÕ resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 34: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) 35: Label: 'The Tables' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_107_DRVR.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Reserved (should be 0)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 1: Label: 'Lock driver in memory' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 2: Label: 'Need time for periodic action' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 3: Label: 'Need goodbye kiss before heap re-init' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: 'Responds to status message' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 5: Label: 'Responds to control message' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: 'Responds to write message' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 7: Label: 'Responds to read message' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 8: Label: 'Reserved (should be 0)' Type: 'WB08' (0x57423038) 9: Label: 'Driver delay' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 10: Label: 'Driver acc event mask' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 11: Label: 'Driver menu' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 12: Label: 'Offset to Open' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 13: Label: 'Offset to Prime' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 14: Label: 'Offset to Control' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 15: Label: 'Offset to Status' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 16: Label: 'Offset to Close' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 17: Label: 'Driver name' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 18: Label: 'Driver Code' Type: 'HEXD' (0x48455844) TMPL_106_DLOG.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'BoundsRect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 1: Label: 'ÔWDEFÕ resource ID' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 2: Label: 'Standard system=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 3: Label: 'Standard desk accessory=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 4: Label: 'Variation code' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 5: Label: 'Document/standard accessory=0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 6: Label: 'Modal dialog=1' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 7: Label: 'Plain frame=2' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 8: Label: 'Shadow frame=3' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 9: Label: 'Non-growable document=4' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 10: Label: 'Moveable modal dialog=5' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 11: Label: 'Zoomable document=8' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 12: Label: 'No grow, zoomable document=12' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 13: Label: 'Visible' Type: 'BOOL' (0x424F4F4C) 14: Label: 'GoAway' Type: 'BOOL' (0x424F4F4C) 15: Label: 'RefCon' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 16: Label: 'Item list (ÔDITLÕ) resource ID' Type: 'RSID' (0x52534944) 17: Label: 'Title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) 18: Label: 'Align' Type: 'AWRD' (0x41575244) 19: Label: 'Window placement' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 20: Label: 'Leave it alone=$0000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Center on main screen=$280A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Alert on main screen=$300A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Stagger on main screen=$380A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Center in parent window=$A80A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 25: Label: 'Alert in parent window=$B00A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 26: Label: 'Stagger in parent window=$B80A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 27: Label: 'Center on parentÕs screen=$68A0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 28: Label: 'Alert in parentÕs screen=$700A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 29: Label: 'Stagger on parentÕs screen=$780A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) TMPL_105_DITL.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'Items' Type: 'ZCNT' (0x5A434E54) 1: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTC' (0x4C535443) 2: Label: 'Place holder' Type: 'FLNG' (0x464C4E47) 3: Label: 'Display rect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 4: Label: 'Disable item' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 5: Label: 'Picture item' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 6: Label: 'Icon item' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 7: Label: 'Edit text item' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 8: Label: 'Static text item' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 9: Label: 'This item is a control' Type: 'BBIT' (0x42424954) 10: Label: 'Standard control' Type: 'BB02' (0x42423032) 11: Label: 'Item info' Type: 'OSTR' (0x4F535452) 12: Label: '¥¥¥¥¥' Type: 'LSTE' (0x4C535445) TMPL_104_CNTL.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'BoundsRect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 1: Label: 'Value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 2: Label: 'Visible' Type: 'BOOL' (0x424F4F4C) 3: Label: 'Maximum value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 4: Label: 'Minimum value' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 5: Label: 'ÔCDEFÕ resource ID' Type: 'WB12' (0x57423132) 6: Label: 'Variation code' Type: 'WB04' (0x57423034) 7: Label: 'RefCon' Type: 'DLNG' (0x444C4E47) 8: Label: 'Title' Type: 'PSTR' (0x50535452) TMPL_101_ALRT.txt # (decoded with TMPL 4) •••••: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Label: 'BoundsRect' Type: 'RECT' (0x52454354) 1: Label: 'Item list (DITL) ID' Type: 'DWRD' (0x44575244) 2: Label: 'Stage 4 Bold Item (off=1, on=2)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 3: Label: ' Visible' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 4: Label: ' Sound number' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 5: Label: 'Stage 3 Bold Item (off=1, on=2)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 6: Label: ' Visible' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 7: Label: ' Sound number' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 8: Label: 'Stage 2 Bold Item (off=1, on=2)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 9: Label: ' Visible' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 10: Label: ' Sound number' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 11: Label: 'Stage 1 Bold Item (off=1, on=2)' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 12: Label: ' Visible' Type: 'WBIT' (0x57424954) 13: Label: ' Sound number' Type: 'WB02' (0x57423032) 14: Label: 'Window placement' Type: 'HWRD' (0x48575244) 15: Label: 'Leave it alone=$0000' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 16: Label: 'Center on main screen=$280A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 17: Label: 'Alert on main screen=$300A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 18: Label: 'Stagger on main screen=$380A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 19: Label: 'Center in parent window=$A80A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 20: Label: 'Alert in parent window=$B00A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 21: Label: 'Stagger in parent window=$B80A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 22: Label: 'Center on parentÕs screen=$68A0' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 23: Label: 'Alert in parentÕs screen=$700A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) 24: Label: 'Stagger on parentÕs screen=$780A' Type: 'CASE' (0x43415345) TMPL_100.txt TMPL_6_RSC#.txt Resources: list (2-byte one-based item count) Unused: 4-byte zero fill Resource type: 4-byte integer (char) Resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Filler: 1-byte zero fill Resource attributes: 1-byte integer (hex) Resource name: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) Resource data: pstring (4-byte length) Align: (align to 2-byte boundary) TMPL_5_TYP#.txt Types: list (2-byte one-based item count) Type: 4-byte integer (char) Description: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_4_TMPL.txt •••••: list (until end of resource) Label: pstring (1-byte length) Type: 4-byte integer (char) TMPL_2_PTH#.txt File paths: list (2-byte one-based item count) Reserved: 2-byte zero fill Directory ID: 4-byte integer (decimal) Reserved: 4-byte zero fill Reserved: 4-byte zero fill Full path name: pstring (2-byte length) Align: (align to 2-byte boundary)